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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Orchidaceae >

Paphiopedilum >

Read about Paphiopedilum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 
Paphiopedilum bellatulum

Paphiopedilum (from Paphos, Paphinia see, and Latin for sandal). Orchidàceae. Terrestrial or epiphytic orchids grown in a warm greenhouse; comprises the glasshouse cypripediums.

Rhizome somewhat creeping: lvs. coriaceous, keeled below, sulcate above, conduplicate in vernation, green or tesselated: fls. showy; sepals 3, the dorsal erect, showy the lateral united; petals spreading or pendulous; lip saccate, the margin of the orifice not inflexed; column short; ovary 1-celled, with parietal placentae.— About 50 species in Trop. Asia, Malay Archipelago, Philippines. Differ from Cypripedium chiefly in having the lvs. conduplicate in the bud instead of convolute and in having a deciduous perigonium instead of withering and persistent. Cf. Pfitzer, Pflanzenreich, hft. 12.

Cultivation of paphiopedilums. (Alfred J. Loveless.)

Paphiopedilums generally are of easy culture, and may be grown in one house by devoting the cool end to P. insigne and its hybrids, and the selenipedium group. The plants should never be allowed to become dry, as they are making active growth most of the time. Light spraying should be frequent in bright weather, and an application of very weak liquid manure occasionally will be found of great assistance in keeping the plants healthy. Ventilation regulated according to external conditions is essential at all times to maintain atmospheric action.

During the winter months the thermometer should register from 55° to 60° F. by night, and about 65° F. by day, with sun heat a few degrees higher doing no harm. On the approach of spring the temperature should be slightly advanced to prepare the plants for summer heat, and accordingly decreased on the approach of fall. A light shading will be necessary at all times, to prevent excessive heat and sunburn, with heavier shading toward midsummer by the addition of bamboo shades, these to be removed in autumn, and dispensed with during the winter.

The greater part of the species grow best in pots, in a compost composed of two parts peat-fiber, one part turfy loam, one part chopped living sphagnum, one- third of the pot room being devoted to clean drainage. The compost should be pressed in rather firmly around the roots, finishing off about 1/2 inch below the rim of the pot. A sharp lookout should be kept for thrip, and clean pots, with frequent sponging of the foliage, is essential to the good health of the plants. P. insigne and kindred species should have one part chopped sod added to the above mixture (see note on culture in Veitch's "Orchid Manual" 2:34). P. villosum and P. Exul sometimes suffer under pot culture from fungi, which attack the base of the plant in sultry summer weather. Basket culture will obviate this, as it allows a better circulation of air through the compost. P. Lowei, P. Parishii, P. philippinense and allied species, together with Seleni- pedium caudatum, are truly epiphytic and preferably should be grown in baskets. By this method the roots are better preserved and less liable to decay during the winter season.

The concolor section requires a warm moist location with free access to the air. The species should be grown in rather small pots, with at least half the space devoted to drainage of broken charcoal or other free material. The potting compost should consist of equal parts chopped sod, peat-fiber and living sphag . Limestone is often recommended as essential in culture of this section, but, the conditions being it gives no beneficial results (Orchid Review 4:45; Veitch's Manual 2:19, 20).

The deciduous tropical species require similar treatment to the evergreen kinds. They have a long dormant period during which they should be rested in a temperature of 50° F., with sufficient water to keep the compost moist until growth starts, when they must be returned to their proper department and enjoy a liberal supply of water until after the flowering season, when they must be ripened off and the water supply gradually withheld.

The hardy species (true cypripediums) do better planted out in the open ground or in rockeries, where they should be so situated as to have good drainage and shade. The soil must be free and porous and consist of three parts chopped turf and equal parts of peat and sphagnum. They require a liberal supply of water and frequent syringing over the foliage while growing,but the supply should be gradually reduced after the flowering period until only enough water is given to keep the soil moist. During the winter the plants should be protected with leaves or pine boughs. Cypripedium reginae and C. pubescens grow well under pot culture. A 7- to 10-inch pot will hold eight or a dozen crowns, which should be planted 2 inches below the surface. Two inches of drainage are sufficient. The pots should be filled with soil (firmly pressed in) to 1/2 inch below the rim. After a thorough watering they should be stored in a coldframe and protected with leaves and boughs. About the middle of February they may be removed to a coolhouse, where they should remain for a week, and then be placed in the cool end of the cypripedium house, where they should be watered sparingly until growth-action starts. These plants make strong growths under this treatment, and the flowers are a decided improvement over those produced outside. See Cypripedium & Phragmopedilum.

All paphiopedilums are propagated by division, but many beautiful hybrids have been added to the list, since the raising from seed has been better understood.


Abbottianum, 42. Crashawae, 21. illustre, 19, 40. acrosepalum, 10. Croesii, 40. insigne, 19, 20. albens, 19. cruciforme, 12. javanicum, 32, 33. albo-marginatum, 18, Cuhingianum, 19. Kimballianum, 7, 19, 19. cupreum, 30. 35. alboviride. 23. Curtisii, 36. lavigatum, 8 album, 1, 4. Dayanum, 34. Largerae,19. Amesianum, 19. Demidoffii, 38. Laingii, 2. amoenum, 19, 36. Desmetianum, 21. Lawrencianum, 42. ampliatum, 2. Dormanianum, 19. leodiense, 23. anophthalmum, 26. Dowminianum, 19. Leucochilum, 2. apiculatum, 19. Druryi, 22. Lindenii, 18, 38, 39, Appletonianum, 25. Duvivierianum, 21. 42. Argus, 39. egregium, 1. lineatum, 1. Arnoldianum, 19. Elliottianum, 5. longipetalum,3. atratum,18. Elmireanum, 37. longisepalum, 19. atropurpureum, 42. Ernestianum, 34. Lowei, 12, 27. atrorubrum, 42. Ernestii, 19. Lowii, 1. aureum, 18, 19. expansum, 42. Lucianii, 19. auriculum, 42. exul, 20. Lutchwycheanum, 19. barbatum, 28, 38, 39, Eyermannianum, 19. luteo-album, 19. 40. Eyermannii, 19. luteo-purpureum, 1. bellatulum, 1. Fairieanum. 24. luteum, 28. biflorum, 1,39,40,42. Forstermanii, 19. Macfarlanei, 19. Boddaertii, 39. fuscatum, 19. magnificum, 21, 23, Boxallii. 18. giganteum, 1, 18, 27,37, 42. Breevesianum, 19. 39, 40, 41, 42. majus, 1,28,33,40. Brownii. 19. Gilmoreanum, 19. Mandevilleanum, 19. brugense, 19. glanduliferum, 6, 7. Mantinii, 39. Bullenianum, 25, 26. glaucophyllum, 16. marginatum, 21.caerulesoens,28,40. Godefroyae,2. Mariae,2. callosum, 41. Gortonii, 18. marmoratum, 42. canariense, 18. gracile. 19, 40. Mastersianum, 31. Cannaertianum, 8, 10. grande, 1, 42. Maulei, 19. Chamberlainianum, grandiflorum, 1, 23, maximum, 19, 37. 15.37, 39, 40. Measuresianum, 18, Chantinii. 19. Gravesianum, 19. 28. 29. Charlesworthii, 21. Grenieri, 42. Mercatellianum, 23. chlorophyllum, 3. guttatum, 19. minus, 33. Chotekae-, 1. Hallianum. 19. Miteauanum, 37. ciliolare, 37.Haynaldianum, 13. Moensii, 18, 39, 42. citrinum, 19. hemi-xanthinum, 2.montanum, 19. coloratum, 42.Hendersonii, 40.Mooreanum, 19. Colsonianum, 19.hirsutissimum, 17.Morrenianum, 39. conchiflorum. 21.Hookerse, 26, 27, 28.mosaicum, 40. concolor. 2, 3. Horsmanianum, 19.multicolor, 39. corrugatum,19. Hurrellinum, 19.nanum, 23, 40. Cowperianum, 19.Hyeanum. 42. neo-quineense, 5. nigrescens, 23. punctatissimum.4, 19. Stonei, 10. nigricana, 39. punctatum, 4. striatum, 2. nigritum, 40. purpurascens, 42. Studbyanum, 19. nigro-maculatum, 39. purpuratum, 35, 39, sublseve, 41. nigrum, 39, 40, 42.40. sulphurinum, 3. Nilsonii, 19. purpureum, 40. superbiens, 19, 28, 30, niveum, 4. Requieri, 3, 4. 34, 38.nobile, 40.reticulatum, 4. superbum, 1, 2, 30,O'Brienii, 40.Roebbelenii, 8. 33, 34. 39, 40, 42.oculatum, 26. roseum, 1, 4, 42. sylhetense. 19. orbum, 40.Rossianum, 41. tigrinum, 39. pallidum, 36. Rothschildianum, 5. tonkinense, 3. pardinum, 23. rubesoens, 23. tonsum, 30. Parishii. 11. Sanderae, 19, 41. unicolor, 21. Petri, 34. Sanderianum, 9, 19. Veitchianum, 38. philippinense, 8. Schmidtianum, 41. venustum, 29. pictum, 40, 42. Seegeri, 35. Victoria-Mariae, 14. Pitcherianum, 39, 42. sinicum, 35. villosum, 18. platytaenium, 5, 8, 10. Smithix, 2. virdiflorum, 41. pleioleucum, 42. Smithianum, 34. virens, 32. plumosum, 40. spectabile, 29, 34. virescens, 42. porphyreum, 40. Spice rianum, 23. viridifolium, 2. Poyntzianum, 25. splendens, 34, 37. Volonteanum, 27. praestans, 6, 7. splendidum, 37. Warneri, 40. pulcherrimum, 40. stenosemum, 42.CH

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Paphiopedilum primulinum
Paphiopedilum argus
Paphiopedilum callosum
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum
Paphiopedilum insigne
Paphiopedilum philippinense var. roebelenii
Paphiopedilum spicerianum
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

The genus Paphiopedilum has been divided into several subgenera, and then further into sections and subsectionswp.

Subgenus Parvisepalum
Subgenus Brachypetalum
Subgenus Polyantha
  • section Mastigopetalum
  • section Polyantha
  • section Mystropetalum
  • section Stictopetalum
  • section Paphiopedilum
  • section Seratopetalum
  • section Cymatopetalum
  • section Thiopetalum
Subgenus Sigmatopetalum
  • section Spathopetalum
    • subsection Macronidium
    • subsection Spathopetalum
  • section Blepharopetalum
  • section Mastersianum
  • section Punctatum
  • section Barbata
    • subsection Lorapetalum
    • subsection Chloroneura
  • section Planipetalum
  • section Venustum
Subgenus Cochlopetalum

Species, subspecies and varieties

Natural Hybrids

  • Paphiopedilum × affine ( P. appletonianum × P. villosum). (Viet Nam).
  • Paphiopedilum × areeanum(P. barbigerum × P. villosum var. annamense) (China - SE. YunNan).
  • Paphiopedilum × burbidgei (P. dayanum × P. javanicum var. virens) (Borneo).
  • Paphiopedilum × dalatense (P. callosum × P. villosum var. annamense) (Viet Nam).
  • Paphiopedilum × dixlerianum (P. callosum × P. wardii) (Myanmar).
  • Paphiopedilum × expansum ( P. hennisianum × P. philippinense) (Philippines).
  • Paphiopedilum × fanaticum (P. malipoense × P. micranthum) (S. China).
  • Paphiopedilum × frankeanum (P. superbiens × P. tonsum) (Sumatra). 42 SUM.
  • Paphiopedilum × grussianum (P. dianthum × P. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei) (China - Guangxi).
  • Paphiopedilum × herrmannii (Vietnam) (P. helenae × P. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei)
  • Paphiopedilum × kimballianum (P. dayanum × P. rothschildianum) (Borneo -Mt. Kinabalu).
  • Paphiopedilum × littleanum (P. dayanum × P. lawrenceanum) (Borneo).
  • Paphiopedilum × mattesii (P. barbatum × P. bullenianum) (Pen. Malaysia).
  • Paphiopedilum × pereirae (P. exul × P. niveum) (Pen. Thailand).
  • Paphiopedilum × petchleungianum (P. dianthum × P. villosum) (China - SE. YunNan).
  • Paphiopedilum × powellii (P. callosum × P. exul) (Pen. Thailand).
  • Paphiopedilum × pradhanii (P. fairrieanum × P. venustum) (E. Himalaya)
  • Paphiopedilum × shipwayae (P. dayanum × P. hookerae). (Borneo).
  • Paphiopedilum × siamense (P. appletonianum × P. callosum) (Thailand).
  • Paphiopedilum × spicerovenustum (P. spiceranum × P. venustum) (Assam).
  • Paphiopedilum × venustoinsigne (P. insigne × P. venustum) (Assam).
  • Paphiopedilum × vietenryanum (P. gratrixianum × P. henryanum) (China – YunNan).


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