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Read about Catalpa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Catalpa (the Indian name of C. bignonioides). Bignoniaceae. Ornamental trees, often cultivated for their handsome flowers appearing in large and showy panicles in summer, and for their heavy foliage.

Leaves usually deciduous, opposite, long-petioled, entire or coarsely lobed: fls. in terminal panicles; calyx splitting irregularly or 2-lipped; corolla campanulate, 2-lipped, with 2 smaller upper and 3 larger lower lobes; fertile stamens 2, curved, with diverging anther-sacs, not exceeding the tube of the corolla; style 2-lobed at the apex; slightly longer than the stamens: fr. a very long cylindrical caps., separating into 2 valves, with numerous small oblong compressed seeds bearing a tuft of white hairs on each end.—About 10 species in N. Amer., W. India and E. Asia, of which 6 are hardy in the northern temperate regions.

Catalpas are deciduous or rarely evergreen trees with opposite or sometimes whorled, long-petioled, large and simple leaves emitting in most species a disagreeable odor when bruised, and with white, pinkish or yellowish flowers in large and showy panicles followed by very long and narrow cylindric pods.

The coarse-grained and soft wood is very durable in the ground, and, therefore, much valued for fence-psts and railway ties. Catalpa bignonioides and particularly C. speciosa are sometimes planted as avenue trees. For formal gardens, if low round-headed trees are desired, C. bignonioides var. nana is to be recommended. They grow in almost any somewhat moist soil, and are hardy as far north as New England. Propagated by seeds sown in spring, in the North, best with slight bottom heat, or by cuttings from ripe wood, the varieties often by softwood cuttings in early summer or by grafting on seedlings or on roots under glass in spring; also increased sometimes by layers and root cuttings.

C. langissima, Sims. Tree to 50 ft.: lvs. oblong-ovate, coriaceous: fls. small, white. W. Indies; often planted as shade tree in Cuba. Alfred Rehder.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

For the historical incident involving a ship of this name, see Catalpa rescue. For the album by Jolie Holland, see Catalpa (album).
Catalpa speciosa flowers, leaf and bark
Catalpa speciosa flowers, leaf and bark
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Catalpa

11 species, including:

Catalpa bignonioides
Catalpa bungei
Catalpa fargesii
Catalpa longissima
Catalpa ovata
Catalpa punctata
Catalpa speciosa
Catalpa tibetica

Catalpa , also spelled Catawba, is a genus of mostly deciduous trees in the flowering plant family Bignoniaceae, native to warm temperate regions of North America, the West Indies, and eastern Asia.

Catalpas grow to 10-25 m tall, and can be recognized by their large heart-shaped to three-lobed leaves, showy white or yellow flowers in broad panicles, and in the autumn by their 20-50 cm long fruits which resemble a slender bean pod, containing numerous small flat seeds, each seed having two thin wings to aid wind dispersal. Because of the leaves, they are sometimes confused for Tung trees in the south U.S.

Due to their large leaf size, Catalpas provide very dark shade and are a popular habitat for many birds, providing them good shelter from rain and wind. These trees have very little limb droppage, but they do drop large bean pods during late summer.

The two North American species, Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides), and Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) have been widely planted outside their natural ranges as ornamental trees for their showy flowers and attractive shape, or growing habit. Northern and Southern Catalpa are very similar in appearance, but the northern species has slightly larger leaves, flowers, and bean pods. Flowering starts after 275 growing degree days. The Yellow Catalpa 梓樹 (Catalpa ovata) from China, with pale yellow flowers, is also planted outside its natural range for ornamental purposes.

Beanpods and leaf details of the Northern Catalpa.

The name derives from the Catawba Native American name catawba for these trees (the tribal totem), with the spelling Catalpa being due to a transcription error on the part of the describing botanist (Scopoli) making the first formal scientific description of the genus. The rules of botanical naming state that the spelling used in the formal scientific description has to be retained for the scientific name. The name in vernacular use has very largely (though not completely) followed Scopoli's erroneous transcription, with catawba still in use in some areas of the United States, most particularly within the trees' native range.

The bean-like seed pod is the origin of the alternative vernacular names Indian Bean Tree and Cigar Tree for C. bignonioides and C. speciosa.

The tree is the food plant of the Catalpa Sphinx moth, the leaves being eaten by the caterpillars. The caterpillars are an excellent live bait for fishing, particularly in the south U.S. where some dedicated anglers plant catalpa mini-orchards for their own private source of "catawba-worms".

The Catalpa tree in Reading, UK.

The largest living Catalpa tree is on the lawn of the Michigan State Capitol, which was planted at the time the Capitol was dedicated in 1873.

The oldest is the 150-year-old specimen in the Minster graveyard of St Mary’s Butts in the UK town of Reading, Berkshire. The council have now removed the deadwood and trimmed its branches to prevent its collapse, but the trunk and tree are still alive but in poor health. A replacement tree has already been planted to pre-empt its eventual loss.

Catalpa is also occasionally used as a tonewood in guitars.

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