Acer griseum

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Read about Acer griseum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Acer griseum, Pax (A. nikoense var. griseum, Franch.). Tree, to 25 ft., with cinnamon-brown bark separating in thin flakes: branchlets pubescent: lfts. short-stalked, elliptic or ovate-oblong, 1-2 in. long, acute, coarsely toothed with large bluntish teeth, the lateral ones unequal, deeply dentate on the outer margin, entire or nearly so on the inner, glaucous and pubescent beneath; petioles densely hairy: fls. rather large, in few-fid, hairy corymbs: fr. pendulous on short stalks, with the peduncle scarcely 1/2in. long; nutlets thick, tomentose; wings spreading at an acute angle. W. China.—-J.H.S. 29:98. R.H. 1912:127.—Remarkable for its flaky bark, resembling that of the river birch; hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.

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