Glossary of Botanical Names

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English equivalents of Latin names of species

Plants may have one or more common names, which are like nicknames, but they only have one botanical name (which is also called a Latin name, scientific name or technical name). The botanical name of a plant consists of two words, the genus name (generic word, common to the entire group or genus), followed by the the species name (specific or particular word, designating the given species). The species name is often somehow descriptive of the plant, or where it was found, or derived from someone's name. So for example, Briza maxima is the large briza, B. minor the small briza, and B. media the intermediate briza. Abies sibirica; the Siberian abies, is a geographic example, while A. Fraseri, Fraser's abies, is commemorative.

Although the species-word is not always designative and is sometimes even inapplicable, nevertheless the student is aided if he knows what the word means in English translation; and the following list is inserted to supply this knowledge for characteristic Latin or Latinized descriptive adjectives (in some cases nouns in the genitive or in apposition) applied to the species of plants. These words are likely to be used in differing meanings in different genera and as applied by different authors; in many cases, they do not follow the usages of classical Latin: therefore a list of this kind cannot be exact or give all the meanings in which the words may be applied as specific names. The generic names (the first word in the combination) need not be listed here, for they are not adjectives of description but made-up substantives; and, moreover, their origins are explained at the entries in the text.

Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


abbreviatus: abbreviated, shortened.

abortivus: aborted, parts failing.

abruptus: abrupt, suddenly changing in shape or character.

abyssinicus: Abyssinian.

acaulis: stemless.

acephalus: headless.

acerbus: acerb, harsh or sour (taste).

aceroldes: acer-like, maple-like.

acerosus: needle-shaped.

acicularis: needle-like.

acidissimus: exceedingly sour.

acidus: acid, sour.

acinaceus: scimetar-or saber-shaped.

acris: acrid, sharp.

aculeatus: prickly.

acuminatus: acuminate, long-pointed, tapering.

acutangulus: acutely or sharply angled.

acutifidus: acutely or sharply cut.

acutifolius: acutely leaved, sharp-leaved.

acutilobus: acutely lobed.

acutipetalus: petals acute or sharp (pointed).

acutus: acute, sharp-pointed.

admirabills: admirable, noteworthy.

adnatus: adnate, joined to.

adpressus: pressed against.

adscendens: ascending.

adsurgens: rising to an erect position, ascending.

aduncus: hooked.

advenus: newly arrived, adventive.

aegyptiacus: Egyptian.

aemulus: emulative, imitating.

aeneus: brazen, bronze-colored.

aequinoctialis: pertaining to the equinox.

aequipetalus: equal-petaled.

aeruginosus: rusty, rust-colored.

aestivalis: summer.

aestivus: summer.

aethiopicus: Ethiopian, African.

affinis: related (to another species).

africanus: African.

agavoides: Agave-like.

ageratoides: ageratum-like.

aggregatus: aggregate, clustered.

agrarius: of the fields.

agrestis: of or pertaining to the fields.

aizoides: aizoon-like (Aizo on, an evergreen or tenacious plant).

alatus: winged.

albescens: whitish, becoming white.

albicans: whitish.

albicaulis: wnite-stemmed.

albidus: white.

albiflorus: white-flowered.

albifrons: white-fronded, white-herbaged.

albispinus: white-spined.

albocinctus: white-girdled, white-crowned.

albospicus: white-spiked.

albus: white.

alcicornis: elk-horned.

aleppicus: of Aleppo (in Syria).

alliaceus: of the alliums, garlic-like.

aloides: aloe-like.

alpestris: alpine.

alpinus: alpine.

altaicus: of the Altai Mts. (S. Siberia).

alternans: alternating.

alternus: alternating, alternate.

altifrons: tall-fronded or -herbaged.

altissimus: very tall, tallest.

altus: tall.

amabills: lovely.

amarus: bitter.

ambiguus: ambiguous, doubtful.

amelloides: amellus-like.

americanus: American.

amethystinus: amethystine, violet-colored.

amoenus: charming, pleasing.

amphibius: amphibious, growing both in water and on land.

amplexicaulis: stem-clasping.

amplissimus: most or very ample.

amplus: ample, large, extended.

amurensis: of the Amur River region (E. Siberia).

amygdalinus: pertaining to or like amygdalus.

anacanthus: without spines.

anatolicus: of Anatolia (Asia Minor).

anceps: two-headed, two-edged.

andicolus: native of the Andes.

andinus: Andiuc, Andian, pertaining to the Andes

androgynus: with both staminate and pistillate flowers in one cluster.

anfractuosus: twisted.

anglicus: English, pertaining to England.

anguinus: snaky, pertaining to serpents.

angularis: angular, angled.

angulatus: angular, angled.

angulosus: angular, angled.

angustus: narrow.

annotinus: year-old.

annularis: annular, ringed.

annulatus: annular.

annuus: annual, living but one year.

anomalus: anomalous, out of the ordinary or usual.

antillaris: of the Antilles (W. Indies).

antipodum: of the antipodes.

antiquorum: of the ancients.

antiquus: ancient.

apenninus: pertaining to the Apennines (Italy).

apertus: uncovered, bare.

apetalus: without petals.

aphyllus: leafless.

apiculatus: apiculate, tipped with a point.

appendiculatus: appendaged, bearing an extension or additional part or process.

applanatus: flattened.

applicatus: joined, attached.

apterus: wingless.

aquaticus, aquat ilis: aquatic.

aqueus: aqueous, watery.

aquilinus: aquiline, pertaining to the eagle.

arabicus: Arabian.

arachnoides: spider-like, cobwebby.

arborescens: becoming tree-like, woody.

arboreus: tree-like.

arcticus: arctic.

arcuatus: bow-like, bowed.

arenarius: of sand or sandy places.

areolatus: areolate, pitted.

argentatus: silvery, silvered.

argenteus: silvery.

argophyllus: silver-leaved.

argutus: sharp-toothed.

argyraeus: silvery.

aridus: arid.

arietinus: like a ram's head.

aristatus: aristate, bearded.

aristosus: bearded.

armatus: armed (as with thorns).

aromaticus: aromatic.

arrectus: raised up, erect.

articulatus: articulated, jointed.

arundinaceus: reed-like.

arvensis: pertaining to cultivated fields.

ascendens: ascending.

asiaticus: Asian.

asper: rough.

asperatus: rough.

aspericaulis: rough-stemmed.

asperrimus: very rough.

assimilis: similar, like to.

assurgens: assurgent, clambering.

ater: coal-black.

atlunticus: Atlantic, growing in Atlantic regions.

atratus: blackened.

atropurpureus: dark purple.

atrorubens: dark red.

atrosanguineus: dark blood-red.

atrovirens: dark green.

attenuatus: attenuated, produced to a point.

atticus: pertaining to Attica or Athens, Greek.

augustissimus: very notable.

augustus: august, notable, majestic.

aurantiacus: orange-red.

aureolus: golden.

aureus: golden.

auriculatus: auricled, eared.

australiensis: belonging to Australia.

australis: southern.

austriacus: Austrian.

autumnalis: autumnal.

axillaris: axillary, borne in the axils, pertaining to the axils.

azureus: azure, sky-blue.


baccatus: berried.

baccifera: berry-bearing.

balearicus: Balearian, of the Balearic Islands.

balsameus: balsamic, balsam-1ike, with balsam odor.

balsamifera: balsam-bearing.

bambusoides: bambusa-like, bamboo-like.

banaticus: of Banat (S. Hungary).

barbadensis: of Barbadoes.

barbarus: foreign, from a strange country.

barbatus: barbed, bearded.

barbigera: bearing barbs or beards.

basilaris: pertaining to the base or bottom.

bellus: handsome.

benedictus: blessed.

benghalensis: of Bengal (E. India).

betuloides: Betula-like, birch-like.

bicarinatus: twice-keeled, with two keels.

bicolor: two-colored.

bicarnis: two-horned.

bicornutus: two-horned.

bidentatus: two-toothed.

biennis: biennial, living only two years.

bifidus: twice cut, in two parts.

bifiorus: two-flowered.

bifurcatus: twice-forked.

bigibbus: with two swellings or projections.

biglumis: two-glumed.

bijugus: yoked two together, joined, fastened together.

bilobus: two-lobed.

binatus: twin, double, two-and-two.

binervis: two-nerved.

binocularis: binocular, two-eyed, two-spotted.

bipartitus: two-parted.

bipetalus: two-petaled.

bipinnatifidus: bipinnatifid, twice pinnately cut.

bipinnatus: bipinnate, twice pinnate.

bipunctatus: two-spotted.

bisectus: cut in two parts.

bispinosus: two-spined.

biternatus: twice ternate.

blandus: bland, mild.

bonus: good.

burbonicus: of Bourbonne (in N. E. France).

borealis: northern.

botryoides: cluster-like, grape-like.

brachiatus: brachiate, branched at right angles.

brachypodus: short-stalked.

bracteatus: bracteate, bearing bracta.

bracteosus: bract-bearing.

brevicaulis: short-stemmed.

brevifrons: short-fronded, short- leaved.

brevipes: short-footed, as with abort pedicel or petiole.

brevirostris: short-beaked.

brevis: short.

brevisetus: short-bristled.

brevispathus: short-spathed.

brevissimus: very short, shortest.

brilliantissimus: most brilliant, very brilliant.

brunneus: deep brown.

bucephalus: ox-headed.

bufonius: pertaining to the toad.

bulbifera: bulb-bearing.

bulbosus: bulbous.

bullatus: inflated,swelling, puckered, bullate.

byzantinus: Byzantine (of the Constantinople region).


caerulescens: becoming or turning dark blue.

caeruleus: cerulean, dark blue.

caesius: bluish gray.

caespitosus: cespitose, tufted, growing in low dense clumps.

catfer, caffra: Kafir.

calabricus: from Calabria(in S. Italy).

calathinus: basket-like.

calcaratus: spurred, with spurs.

calcareus, of or pertaining to lime.

callosus: thick-skinned, with callosities.

calvus: bald, hairless.

calycinus: calyx-like.

calyculatus: calyx-like, calyx-bearing, fruit inclosed in a calyx.

cambricus: Cambrian, Welsh.

campanulatus: campanulate, bell-shaped.

campestris: of the fields or plains.

canadensis: Canadian.

canaliculatus: channeled, grooved.

canariensis: of the Canary Isle.

candicans: white, hoary, particularly white-hairy or white-woolly.

candidissimus: very white-hairy or hoary.

cantabricus: from Cantabria (in Spain).

candidus: white, white-hairy, shining.

canescens: gray-pubescent.

canus: ash-colored, hoary.

capensis: of the Cape (of Good Hope).

capillaris: hair-like.

capreolatus: winding, twining.

capsularis: eapsular.

cardinalis: cardinal.

carinatus: keeled.

carneus: flesh-colored.

carnonus: fleshy.

carolinianus: Carolinian, pertaining to North or South Carolina, or indefinitely to the Carolinas.

carpathicus: of the Carpathian region (Europe).

cartilagineus: like cartilage.

caryophyllaceus: clove-like; perhaps also pertaining to the pink family.

cashmerianus: of Cashmere (Asia).

catharticus: cathartic.

cathayanus: of Cathay (China).

caucusicus: belonging to the Caucasus (mountain region between the Black and Caspian Seas).

caudatus: caudate, tailed.

caulescens: caulescent, having a stem or stems.

cauliflorus: stem-flowered.

cenisius: of Mt. Cenis (between France and Italy).

cephalatus: headed, bearing heads.

cerasiformis: cherry-formed.

cerefolius: wax-leaved.

cerifera: wax-bearing.

cernuus: bending forward, inclined, drooping, nodding.

ceylanicus: of Ceylon; same as zeylanicus.

chalcedonicus: of Chalcedon (on the Bosphorus).

chilensis: belonging to Chile.

chinensis: belonging to China.

chloranthus: green-flowered.

chrysanthus: golden-flowered.

chrysocarpus: golden-fruited.

chrysophyllus: golden-leaved.

chrysostomus: golden-mouthed, golden-throated.

ciliaris: ciliate, fringed with hairs on the margin.

ciliatus: ciliate, hairy fringed.

cilicicus: of Cilicia (in S. E. Asia Minor).

cinctus: girded, girdled.

cinereus: ash-colored.

cinnabarinus: cinnabar-red.

cinnamomeus: cinnamon-brown.

circinatus: circinate, coiled.

cirrhosus: tendrilled.

citratus: citrus-like.

citrinus: citron-colored or -like.

clandestinus: concealed.

clavatus: clavate, club-shaped.

clematideus: pertaining to or like clematis.

clypeatus: with a shield.

coccifera: berry-bearing.

coccineus: scarlet.

cochlearis: spoon-like.

cochleatus: spoon-like.

coelestinus: sky-blue.

coelestis: celestial, sky-blue.

collinus: pertaining to a hill.

coloratus: colored (other than green).

comatus: with coma or hair.

communis: common, general, gregarious.

commutatus: changed or changing.

comosus: with long hair.

compactus: compact, dense.

complexus: circled, embraced.

complicatus: complicate; page 162.

compressus: compressed.

comptus: adorned, ornamented.

concavus: concave, hollowed out.

concinnus: neat, well made.

concolor: colored similarly.

condensus: condensed, crowded.

confertus: crowded.

conformis: similar, like to.

confusus: confused, uncertain (as to characteristics).

congestus: congested, brought together.

conglomeratus: conglomerate, crowded together.

conifera: cone-bearing.

conjugatus: connected, joined together.

conoideus: conoid, cone-like.

consolidus: consolidated, solid, stable.

conspicuus: conspicuous, marked.

constrictus: constricted.

contiguus: contiguous, near together.

contortus: contorted, twisted.

contractus: contracted.

coralliflorus: coral-flowered.

corallinus: coral-red.

cordatus: cordate, heart-shaped.

cordifolius: cordate-leaved, heart-leaved.

coriaceus: leathery.

corniculatus: horned.

cornigera: horn-bearing.

cornutus: horned.

coronarius: used for or belonging to garlands.

coronatus: crowned.

corrugatus: corrugated, wrinkled.

corsicus: Corsican (island in the Mediterranean).

corticosus: heavily furnished with bark.

coruscans: vibrating, glittering.

corymbifera: corymb-bearing.

corymbosus: corymbose.

costatus: costate, ribbed.

crassicaulis: thick-stemmed.

crassifolius: thick-leaved.

crassipes: thick-footed or -stalked.

crassus: thick, fleshy.

crenatus: crenate, scalloped.

crenulatus: crenulate, somewhat scalloped.

crepidatus: sandaled, slippered.

crepitans: rattling, rustling.

cretaceus: cretaceous, pertaining to chalk.

creticus: of Crete (island in Eastern Mediterranean).

crinitus: hairy, provided with hair.

crispus: crisped, curled.

cristatus: cristate, crested.

crocatus: saffron-yellow.

croceus: saffron-colored, yellow.

cruciatus: cruciate, cross-like.

crucifera: cross-bearing.

cruentus: bloody.

crystallinus: crystalline.

cubensis: Cuban.

cucullatus: hooded.

cultratus: cultrate, knife-shaped.

cuneatus: cuneate, wedge-shaped.

cuneifolius: wedge-leaved.

cuneiformis: wedge-formed.

cupreus: copper-like or –colored.

curvatus: curved.

cuspidatus: cuspidate, with a cusp or sharp stiff point.

cyaneus: blue.

cylindraceus: cylindrical.

cylindricus: cylindrical.

cymbiformis: boat-formed.

cymosus: cymed, having a cyme or cymes.

cypreus: copper-like; see cupreus.


dactyiffera: finger-bearing.

dahuricus, davu ricus: Of Dahuria or Dauria (in Trans-Baikal Siberia, near the frontier of China).

dalmaticus: Dalmatian (on eastern side of the Adriatic).

damascenus: of Damascus.

dasycarpus: thick-fruited.

dealbatus: whitened, white-washed.

debilis: weak, frail.

decandrus: ten-stamened.

decapetalus: ten-petaled.

deciduus: deciduous, with parts falling.

decipiens: deceptive.

declinatus: declined, bent downward.

decolorans: discoloring, staining.

decompositus: decompound, more than once compound or divided.

decorans: adorning.

decorus: elegant, comely, becoming.

decumbens: decumbent, reclining at the base but the top or tips upright.

decurrens: decurrent, as a leaf extending down the stem.

deflexus: deflexed, bent abruptly downward.

deformis: misshapen, deformed.

delectus: chosen.

delicatissimus: most or very delicate.

delicatus: delicate, tender.

deliciosus: delicious.

deltoideus: deltoid, triangular.

demissus: low, weak.

dendroideus: tree-like.

densiflorus: densely flowered.

densus: dense.

dentatus: toothed.

denticulatus: denticulate, slightly toothed.

dentosus: toothed.

denudatus: denuded, naked.

depauperatus: depauperate, starved, dwarfed.

dependens: hanging down.

depressus: depressed.

deustus: burned.

devastator: (feminine devastatrix): devastating, laying waste.

diacanthus: two-spined.

diadema: a diadem, crown.

diandrus: with two stamens.

diaphanus: diaphanous, very thin, transparent.

dichotomus: forked, two-branched equally.

dichrous: of two colors.

dicoccus: with two berries.

didymus: in a pair, as of anthers.

difformis: of differing forms.

diffusus: diffuse, spreading.

digititus: digitate, compound in form like the fingers.

dilatatus: dilated, expanded.

dilutus: dilated, spread out.

dimidiatus: halved, in two equal parts.

dimorphus: dimorphous, two-formed.

diodon: with two teeth.

dioicus: dioecious.

dipetalus: two-petaled.

diphyllus: two-leaved.

dipsaecus: of the teasel or Dipsacus.

discoideus: discoid, rayless.

discolor: of two or of different colors.

dispar: dissimilar, unlike.

dissectus: dissected, deeply cut.

dissimilis: dissimilar, unlike.

dissitiflorus: remotely or loosely flowered.

distachyus: two-spiked.

distans: distant, separate, remote.

distichus: two-ranked, with leaves or flowers in ranks on opposite sides of stem.

distylus: two-styled.

diurnus: day-flowering.

divaricatus: divaricate, spreading, widely divergent.

divergens: diverging, wide-spreading.

diversiflorus: diversely flowered, variable-flowered.

diversifolius: variable-leaved.

divisus: divided, separated.

dodecandrus: twelve-stamened.

dolabriformis: hatchet- or ax-shaped.

dolosus: deceitful.

domesticus: domestic, domesticated.

drupaceus: drupe-like.

drupifera: drupe-bearing.

dubius: dubious, doubtful.

dulcis: sweet.

dumetorum: of bushea or hedges.

dumosus: bushy.

duplex: double.

duplicatus: duplicate, double.

durabilis: durable, lasting.

duracinus: hard-berried.

duriusculus: somewhat hard or rough.


ebenaceus: ebony-like.

ebracteatus: bractless.

eburneus: ivory-white.

echinatus: bristly, prickly.

echinocarpus: prickly-fruited,

echinosepalus: prickly-sepaled.

ecornutus: hornless.

edulis: edible.

effusus: very loose-spreading.

elasticus: elastic.

elatior: taller.

elatus: tall.

elegans: elegant.

elegantissimus: most elegant, very elegant.

elephantum: of the elephants.

elllpticus: elliptical.

elongatus: elongated, lengthened.

emarginatus: emarginate, with a shallow notch at the apex.

emeticus: emetic.

eminens: eminent, prominent.

enneaphyilus: nine-leaved.

ensatus: sword-shaped.

ensifolius: sword-leaved.

ensiformis: sword-formed or –shaped.

entomophilus: insect-loving.

equestris: pertaining to the horse.

equinus: of horses.

erectus: erect, upright.

erianthus: woolly-flowered.

ericoides: erica-like, heath-like.

eriocarpus: woolly-fruited.

eriocephalus: woolly-headed.

erosus: erose, jagged, as if gnawed.

erraticus: erratic, unusual, sporadic.

erubescens: blushing.

erythrocarpus: red-fruited.

erythrocephalus: red-headed.

erythropodus: red-footed, red-stalked.

erythropterus: red-winged.

esculentus: esculent, edible.

estriatus: without stripes.

etuberosus: without tubers.

europaeus: Europeans.

exaltatus: exalted, very tall.

excavatus: excavated, hollowed out.

excellens: excellent, excelling.

excelsus: tall.

excisus: excised, cut away.

exiguus: little, small, poor.

eximius: distinguished, out of the ordinary.

exitiosus: pernicious, destructive.

exoletus: mature, fully grown, dying away.

exoticus: exotic, from another country.

expansus: expanded.

exsculptus: dug out, carved out.

exsertus: exserted, protruding from.

exsurgens: rising up, standing up.

extensus: extended.

exudans: exuding.


fabaceus: faba-like, bean-like.

falcatus: falcate, sickle-shaped or scythe-shaped.

falcifolius: falcate-leaved.

falciformis: sickle-formed.

fallax: deceptive.

farinaceus: containing farina or starch, or like flour; perhaps also farinose,

farinifera: farina-bearing.

farinosus: farinose, mealy, powdery.

fasciatus: fasciate, abnormally flattened and broadened.

fascicularis: fascicled, clustered, brought together.

fasciculatus: fascicled.

fascinator: fascinating, charming.

fastigiatus: fastigiate, branches erect and close together.

fastuosus: proud.

febrifugus: febrifuge, fever-dispelling.

fenestralis: with window-like openings.

ferox: ferocious; very thorny.

ferreus: pertaining to iron.

ferrugineus: rusty, of the color of iron rust.

fertilis: fertile, fruitful.

festivus: festive, gay, bright.

fibrosus: fibrous, bearing prominent fibers.

ficoldeus: fig-like.

filamentosus: filamentous, composed of threads or bearing threads.

filicatus: fern-like, ferny.

filicifolius: fern-leaved.

filicinus: fern-like.

fllicoides: fern-like.

filifera: bearing filaments or threads.

filifolius: thread-leaved, with leaves cut into thread-like divisions.

filiformis: filiform, thread-like.

filipes: with stalks thread-like.

fimbriatus: fimbriated, fringed.

firmatus: firm, made firm.

firmus: firm, strong.

fissifolius: split-leaved.

fissilis: fissile, cleft or split.

fissus: cleft, split.

fistulosus: fistular, hollow-cylindrical.

flabellatus: flabellate, with fan-like parts.

flabelliformis: fan-formed.

flaccidus: flaccid, soft.

flagellaris: flagellate, whip-like.

flagellatus: whip-like.

flagelliformis: whip-formed.

flagellum: a scourge or flail.

flammeus: flame-colored.

flavescens: yellowish, becoming yellow or yellowish.

flavicomus: yellow-wooled or -haired.

flavidus: yellow, yellowish.

fiavispinus: yellow-spined.

flavissimus: very yellow, deep yellow.

flavus: yellow.

flexilis: flexible, pliant.

flexuosus: flexuose, tortuous, zig-zag.

floccosus: woolly.

flore-albo: with white flowers.

florentinus: Florentine.

flore-pleno: with full or double flowers.

floribundus: free-flowering, blooming profusely.

floridus: flowering, full of flowers.

fluitans: floating.

fluviatilis: pertaining to a river.

foemina: female.

foeniculaceus: fennel-like.

foetidissimus: very fetid.

foetidus: fetid, bad-smelling.

foliatus: with leaves.

foliolatus: with leaflets.

foliosus: leafy, full of leaves.

follicularis: bearing follicles, follicled.

forficatus: shear-shaped.

formicaeformis: ant-shaped, ant-like,

formosissimus: most or very beautiful.

formosus: beautiful, handsome.

foveatus: pitted.

fragilis: fragile, brittle.

fragrans: fragrant, odoroua.

fragrantissimus: very fragrant.

fraxineus: fraxinous, like Fraxinus or ash trees.

frigidus: cold, of cold regions.

frondosus: fronded, leafy.

fructifera: fruit-bearing, fruitful.

fructigenus: fruitful.

frutescens: shrubby, bushy.

fruticosus: fruticose, shrubby, bushy.

fucatus: painted, dyed.

fugax: swift.

fulgens: shining, glistening.

fulgidus: fulgid, shining.

fuliginosus: black-painted or -colored, sooty.

fulvescens: fulvous or becoming fulvous.

fulvus: fulvous, tawny, orange-gray-yellow.

funalis: of a rope or cord.

funebris: funereal.

fungosus: fungous, pertaining to a fungus, spongy.

funiculatus: of a slender rope or cord; with a funicle (stalk of an ovule or seed).

furcans: forked.

furcatus: furcate, forked.

fuscus: fuscous, brown, dusky.

fusiformis: spindle-shaped.


galericulatus: helmet-like.

gallicus: of Gaul or France; also pertaining to a cock or rooster.

gandavensis: belonging to Ghent, Belgium.

garganicus: belonging to Gargano (Eastern Italy).

gelidus: ice-cold.

geminatus: twin.

geminiflorus: twin-flowered.

gemmatus: gemmed, jewelled; also bearing buds.

gemmifera: bud-bearing.

genevensis: belonging to Geneva.

geniculatus: jointed, kneed.

geoides: of the earth.

geometricus: geometrical, in a pattern.

germanicus: German, of Germany.

gibberosus: humped, hunchbacked.

gibbiflorus: gibbous-flowered.

gibbosus: swollen on one side.

gibbus: gibbous, swollen on one side.

giganteus: gigantic, very large.

giganticus: gigantic.

gigas: of giants, immense.

glabellus: smoothish.

glaber: glabrous, smooth.

glaberrimus: most smooth, smoothest.

glabratus: somewhat glabrous or smooth.

glabrescens: smoothish, or becoming so.

glacialis: icy, frozen.

gladiatus: sword-like.

glandulifera: gland-bearing.

glandulosus: glandular.

glastifolius: with leaves like the dyer's woad (Isatis, once called Glastum).

glaucescens: glaucescent, becoming glaucous.

glaucifolius: glaucous-leaved

glaucophyllus: glaucous-leaved.

glaucus: glaucous, with a bloom, grayish.

globosus: globose, spherical, nearly or quite globular.

globularis: of a little ball or sphere.

globulifera: globule-bearing, globe-bearing.

globulosus: globuled, like a little ball.

glomeratus: glomerate, clustered.

gloriosus: glorious, superb.

glumaceus: glumed, with glumes or glume-like structures.

glutinosus: glutinous, gluey, sticky.

gongylodes: roundish.

gracilentus: slender.

gracilis: graceful, slender.

gracillimus: graceful, very slender.

graecus: of Greece, Greek.

gramineus: grassy, grass-like.

graminifolius: grass-leaved.

grandiceps: large-headed.

grandicuspis: with large cusps or points.

grandidentatus: large-or big-toothed.

grandiflorus: large-flowered.

grandifolius: large-leaved.

grandiformis: on a large scale, of a big kind.

grandipunctatus: with large spots.

grandis: large, big.

granulatus: granulate, covered with minute grains.

granulosus: granulate, granulose.

gratissimus: very pleasing or agreeable.

gratus: pleasing, agreeable.

graveolens: heavy-scented.

groenlandicus: of Greenland.

guianensis: of Guiana (South America).

guineensis: of Guinea (Africa).

gummifera: gum-bearing.

guttatus: spotted, speckled.

gymnocarpus: naked-fruited.

gyrans: gyrating, revolving in a circle.


haemanthus: blood-red-flowered.

hamatus: hooked.

hamosus: hooked.

harpophyllus: sickle-leaved.

hastatus: hastate, spear-shaped.

hastifera: spear-bearing.

hastilis: of a javelin or spear.

hebecarpus: pubescent-fruited.

hederaceus: of the ivy (Hedera).

helianthus: sunflower.

helveticus: Swiss, of Helvetia (Switzerland).

helvolus: pale yellow.

hemisphaericus: hemispherical.

heptaphyllus: seven-leaved.

herbaceus: herbaceous, dying to the ground and not woody.

herbariorum: of the herbaria.

heteracanthus: various-spined.

heteranthus: various-flowered, variable in flowers.

heterocarpus: various-fruited.

heterodon: various-toothed.

heteroglossus: various-tongued.

heteromorphus: various in form.

heterophyllus: various-leaved, with leaves of more than one shape.

hexagonopterus: six-angled-winged.

hexagonus: hexagonal, six-angled.

hexapetalus: six-petaled.

hians: open, gaping.

hibernalis: of or pertaining to winter.

hibernicus: Hibernian, of or pertaining to Ireland.

hieroglyphicus: hieroglyphic, marked as if with signs.

himalaicus: Himalayan.

hircinus: of a goat, with a goat's odor.

hirsutissimus: very hairy, most hairy.

hirsutulus: somewhat hirsute or hairy.

hirsutus: hirsute, hairy.

hirtellus: somewhat hairy.

hirtiflorus: hairy-flowered.

hirtipes: hairy-stalked or-stemmed.

hirtus: hairy.

hispanicus: Spanish, of Spain.

hispidissimus: most or very bristly.

hispidulus: somewhat hispid or bristly.

hispidus: hispid, bristly.

histrionicus: histrionic, pertaining to the stage or to actors.

holosericeus: woolly-silky. .

horizontalis: horizontal.

horridus: provided with spines or barbs, prickly.

hortensis: belonging to the hortus or garden.

horticolus: a little garden; of the garden.

hortorum: of gardens.

hortulanus: pertaining to a garden.

humifusus: sprawling on the ground.

humilis: low-growing, dwarf.

hyacinthinus: hyacinthine, sapphire- colored.

hyacinthoides: like the hyacinth.

hyalinus: transparent, translucent.

hybridus: hybrid, mixed, mongrel.

hyemalis: of winter; also hiemalis.

hygrometricus: hygrometric, taking up water.

hymenanthus: membranaceous-flowered.

hymenodes: membrane-like.

hyperboreus: far northern.

hypocrateriformis: salver-shaped, flower with a slender cylindrical tube and flat spreading limb.

hypogaeus: underground, subterranean.

hypoglaucus: glaucous beneath.

hypoleucus: whitish, pale.

hypophyllus: under the leaf.

hystrix: porcupine-like, bristly.


ian thinus: violet, violet-blue.

iber icus: of Iberia (the Spanish peninsula).

icosan drus: twenty-stamened.

ignes cens: fiery.

ig neus: fiery.

ilicifo lius: ilex-leaved, holly-leaved.

illustra tus: pictured.

illus tris: bright, brilliant, lustrous.

illyr icus: of Illyria (Grecian Peninsula).

imber bis: without beards or spines.

im bricans: imbricating.

imbrica tus: imbricated, lapping over, shingled.

immacula tus: immaculate, spotless.

immer sus: immersed, under water.

impera tor: commanding, imperious.

imperia lis: imperial, kingly.

implex us: implicated, interwoven.

impres sus: impressed, sunken in.

inaequalifo lius: unequal-leaved.

inaequa lis: unequal.

inaequilat erus: unequal-sided.

inca nus: hoary.

incarna tus: flesh-colored.

incer tus: uncertain, doubtful.

incisifo lius: cut-leaved.

inci sus: incised, cut.

inclina tus: inclined, bent downward.

incomparab ilis: incomparable, excelling.

incomp tus: rude, unadorned, not attractive.

inconspic uus: inconspicuous, not prominent.

incurva tus: incurved, bent inward.

incur vus: incurved.

indenta tus: indented, dented

in dicus: Indian, of India or the East Indies.

indivi sus: undivided.

iner mis: unarmed, without thorns or spines.

infecto rius: used for dying, pertaining to dyes.

infes tus: dangerous, unsafe.

infla tus: inflated, swollen up.

infortuna tus: unfortunate.

infrac tus: broken.

infundibulifor mis: funnel-shaped, trumpet-shaped.

infundib ulum: a funnel.

inodo rus: without odor, scentless.

inorna tus: without ornament, not showy.

in quinans: polluting, discoloring.

inscrip tus: inscribed, written on.

insig nis: remarkable, distinguished, marked.

insitit ius: grafted.

intac tus: intact, untouched.

in teger: entire.

integer rimus: very entire.

integrifo lius: entire-leaved.

interjec tus: interjected, put between.

interme dius: intermediate.

interrup tus: interrupted.

intertex tus: interwoven, intertwined.

intrica tus: intricate, entangled.

intror sus: introrse, turned inward.

intumes cens: swollen, puffed up, tumid.

intyba ceus: pertaining to chicory (Intybus).

inver sus: inverse, turned over, upside down.

invi sus: unseen, overlooked.

involucra tus: involucred, with an involucre.

involu tus: involute, rolled inward.

ionan thus: with flowers like the violet.

ionop terus: with wings like the violet.

irides cens: iridescent, changing color at different angles.

iridiflo rus: iris-flowered.

irregula ris: irregular.

isan drus: with equal stamens.

isopet alus: equal-petaled.

isophyl lus: equal-leaved.

ital icus: Italian.


jamaicen sis: of Jamaica.

japon icus: Japanese, of Japan.

jasmin eus: jasmine-like.

jasminiflo rus: jasmine-flowered.

javan icus: Javan, of Java.

Juba tus: crested, with a mane.

jucun dus: agreeable, pleasing.

jugo sus: joined, yoked.

jun ceus: Juncus-like, rush-like.


kashmiria nus: of Cashmere or Kashmere.

kewen sis: belonging to Kew (Kew Gardens, England).

koraia nus: of Corea; also coreanus.


labia tus: labiate, lipped.

labio sus: lipped.

lach ryma: a tear.

lacinia tus: laciniate, torn, cut or slashed into narrow lobes.

lacinio sus: laciniose, laciniate.

lacta tus: milky.

lac teus: milk-white.

lactic olor: milk-colored.

lactif era: milk-bearing, milky-juiced.

lactiflo rus: flowers milk-colored.

lacuno sus: witn holes or pits.

lacus tris: pertaining to lakes.

ladanif era: ladanum-bearing.

laetev irens: light green, vivid green.

lae tus: bright, vivid.

laevicau lis: smooth-stemmed.

laeviga tus: smooth.

laev ipes: smooth-footed, smooth-stalked.

lae vis: smooth.

laevius culus: smoothish, somewhat smooth.

lana tus: woolly.

lanceola tus: lanceolate.

lan ceus: lance-like.

lancifo lius: lance-leaved.

lanig era: wool-bearing.

lanugino sus: woolly, downy.

lappa ceus: pertaining to a globular hooked bur; Lappa-like.

lappon icus: of Lapland.

laricifo lius: larch-leaved.

laric inus: Larix-like, larch-like.

lasiocar pus: rough-fruited, rough-hairy.

lasiopet alus: with petals rough-hairy.

lateriflo rus: lateral-flowered, with flowers on the side.

laterit ius: brick-red.

latifo lius: broad-leaved.

lat ifrons: broad-fronded, broad-herbaged, broad-leaved.

latimacula tus: broad-spotted.

lat ipes: broad-footed, broad-stalked.

latis simus: broadest, very broad.

la tus: broad, wide.

laurifo lius: laurel-leaved.

lauri nus: laurel-like.

lavandula ceus: lavender-like.

laxiflo rus: loose-flowered.

laxifo lius: loose-leaved.

lax us: lax, open, loose.

leian thus: smooth-flowered.

leiocar pus: smooth-fruited.

leiophyl lus: smooth-leaved.

lenticula ris: lenticular, lens-shaped.

len tus: pliant, tenacious, tough.

leontoglos sus: lion-tongued or -throated.

leopardi nus: leopard-spotted.

lepidophyl lus: scaly-leaved.

lepro sus: of leprosy, scurfy.

leptocau lis: thin-stemmed, slender-stemmed.

leptoc ladus: thin-stemmed or -branched.

leptol epis: thin-scaled.

leptophyl lus: thin-or slender-leaved.

leptosep alus: thin-sepaled.

lep topus: thin- or slender-stalked.

leucan thus: white-flowered.

leucob otrys: with white clusters.

leucoceph alus: white-headed.

leuconeu rus: white-nerved.

leucophyl lus: white-leaved.

leucorhi zus: white-rooted.

libur nicus: of Liburnia (west of Adriatic).

ligno sus: woody.

ligula ris: ligulate, strap-shaped.

lilac inus: lilac.

liliiflo rus: lily-flowered.

limba tus: bordered.

limo sus: of muddy or marshy places.

linariifo lius: linaria-leaved.

linearifo lius: linear-leaved.

linearil obus: linear-lobed.

linea ris: linear.

linea tus: lined, with lines or stripes.

lingula tus: tongue-shaped.

linifo lius: linum-leaved, flax-leaved.

linophyl lus: flax-leaved.

lithosper mus: with seeds stone-like.

littoru lis: of the seashore.

liv idus: livid, bluish.

loba tus: lobed.

lobula ris: lobed.

lolia ceus: Lolium-like (Lolium comprises the rye-grasses).

longebractea tus: long-bracted.

longepeduncula tus: long-pedunculate.

longicauda tus: long-tailed.

longiflo rus: long-flowered.

longifo lius: long-leaved.

longihama tus: long-hooked.

longilamina tus: with long laminae or plates.

longil obus: long-lobed.

longimucrona tus: long-mucronate.

1ong ipes: long-footed, long-stalked.

longipet alus: long-petaled.

longipinna tus: long-pinnate.

longiracemo sus: long-racemed.

longisca pus: long-scaped.

longisep alus: long-sepaled.

longis pathus: long-spathed.

longispi nus: long-spined.

longis simus: longest, very long.

longis tylus: long-stalked.

1on gus: long.

lorifo lius: strap-leaved.

lu cidus: lucid, bright, shining, clear.

ludovicia nus: of Louisiana.

lugdunen sis: belonging to the region of Lyons.

luna tus: lunate, moon-shaped, moon-like, crescent-shaped.

lunula tus: somewhat moon-shaped.

lupuli nus: Lupulus-like, hop-like.

lu ridus: lurid, wan, sallow, pale yellow.

lute olus: yellowish.

lutes cens: yellowish, becoming yellow.

lu teas: yellow.

luxu nans: luxuriant, thrifty.

lyra tus: lyrate, pinnatifid with large terminal lobe.


macilen tus: lean, meager.

macran drus: with large anthers.

macran thus: large-flowered.

macrob otrys: large-clustered.

macrocar pus: large-fruited.

macroceph alus: large-headed.

macrodac tylus: large-fingered.

macrodon tus: large-toothed.

macropet alus: with large petals.

macrophyl lus: large-leaved.

macroplec tron: large-spurred.

macrop odus: large-footed or -stalked.

macrop terus: large-winged.

macrospa dix: with large spadix.

macrosta chyus: large-spiked.

macroste gius: large-decked.

macroste mus: with large filaments.

macros tylus: large-styled.

macrou rus: large-tailed.

macula tus: spotted.

maculo sus: spotted.

maesi acus: of Moesia, ancient name of Bulgaria and Servia.

magellan icus: Straits of Magellan region.

magnif icus: magnificent, eminent, distinguished.

maja lis: of May, Maytime.

majest icus: majestic.

ma jor, ma jus: greater, larger.

malabar icus: of Malabar (in British India).

malifor mis: apple-formed.

malva ceus: Malva-like, mallow-like.

mammo sus: breasted, with breasts.

manica tus: manicate, long-sleeved, covered densely as with thick hairs so that the covering can be removed as such.

marces cens: withering but not falling.

mar cidus: withering but not falling off.

margarita ceus: pearly, of pearls.

margina lis: marginal, marked in some way along the margins or edges.

margina tus: margined.

marginel lus: somewhat margined.

mariland icus: of the Maryland region; also written marylandicus.

marit imus: maritime, of the sea.

marmora tus: marbled, mottled.

marmo reus: marbled.

marmorophyl lus: leaves marbled.

marocca nus: of Morocco.

mas: male.

mascula tus: masculine.

mas culus: male, masculine.

matrona lis: pertaining to matrons.

mauritan icus: of Mauretania (N. Africa).

maxilla ris: maxillary, of the jaw.

max imus: largest.

mediterra neus: of the Mediterranean region.

me dius: medium, intermediate.

medulla ris: of the marrow or center or pith.

megalan thus: large-flowered.

megaphyl lus: large-leaved.

megapotam icus: of the large river.

megarrhi zus: large-rooted.

megasper mus: large-seeded.

megasta chyus: large-spiked.

megastig mus: with large stigma.

melanan thus: black-flowered.

melanchol icus: melancholy, hanging or drooping.

melanocau lon: black-stemmed.

melanococ cus: black-berried.

melanoleu cus: black-and-white.

melanox ylon: bluck-wooded.

melea gris: like a guinea-fowl, speckled.

mel leus: pertaining to honey.

meliff era: honey-bearing.

melofor mis: melon-shaped.

membrana ceus: membranaceous, membranous, thin and more or less translucent.

meniscifo lius: crescent-leaved.

mesoleu cus: mixed with white.

metal licus: metallic (color or luster).

mexica nus: Mexican, of Mexico.

mi cans: glittering, sparkling, mica- like.

micran thus: small-flowered.

microcar pus: small-fruited.

mic rodon: email-toothed.

microglos sus: small-tougued.

microl epis: small-scaled.

microm eris: small-numbered, of small number of parts.

micropet alus: small-petaled.

microphyl lus: small-leaved.

microp terus: small-winged.

microsep alus: small-sepaled.

microste mus: of small filaments or stemlets.

milita ris: military.

millefolia tus: thousand-leaved.

millefo lius: thousand-leaved, leaves or parts very many.

mi mus: mimic.

mi nax: threatening, forbidding.

minia tus: cinnabar-red.

min imus: least, smallest.

mi nor, mi nus: smaller.

minutis simus: very or most minute.

minu tus: minute, very small.

mirab ilis: marvellous, extraordinary, wonderful.

mistassin icus: of Lake Mistassini, (Quebec).

mi tis: mild, gentle.

mitra tus: turbaned.

mix tus: mixed.

modes tus: modest.

moldav icus: of Moldavia (in Rumania).

mol lis: soft, soft-hairy.

mollis simus: very soft-hairy.

molucca nus: of the Moluccas (East Indies).

monadel phus: in one group or bundle.

mongol icus: of Mongolia.

monilif era: bearing a necklace.

monacan thus: one-spined.

monoceph alus: single-headed.

monog ynus: of one pistil.

monoi cus: monoecious.

monopet alus: one-petaled.

monophyl lus: one-leaved.

monop terus: one-winged.

monopyre nus: bearing one stone or pyrene.

monosep alus: one-sepaled.

monosper mus: one-seeded.

monosta chyus: single-spiked.

monspelien sis: of Montpelier.

monspessula nus: of Montpelier.

monstro sus: monstrous, wholly abnormal or deformed, teratological.

monta nus: pertaining to mountains or mountainous regions.

monteviden sis: of Montevideo (Uruguay).

montic olus: native of mountains.

moscha tus: musky, musk-scented.

mucrona tus: mucronato, tipped with a short sharp point or mucro.

mucronula tus: with a small mucro or point.

multibractea tus: many-bracted.

multicau lis: many-stemmed, with numerous stems.

mul ticeps: many-headed, many branched.

multic olor: many-colored.

multif idus: multifid, many times parted.

multiflo rus: many-flowered.

multifurca tus: much-forked, many times forked.

multij ugus: many in a yoke, many times joined.

multiner vis: many-nerved.

mul tiplex: many-folded.

multiradia tus: many-radiate, with numerous rays.

multisec tus: many times cut, much cut or dissected.

mun dulus: trim, neat.

muni tus: defended, fortified.

mura lis: of walls, growing on walls.

murica tus: muricate, roughed by means of hard points.

muscip ula: a mouse-trap.

mutab ilis: changeable, variable, mutant.

muta tus: changeable.

mu ticus: blunt, pointless.

mutila tus: mutilated.

myriacan thus: numberless spined, very many-spined.

myriocar pus: very many-fruited.

myrmecoph ilus: ant-loving.

myrtifo lius: myrtle-leaved.


na nus: dwarf.

mapifor mis: turnip-shaped.

narbonen sis: of Narbonne (ancient region or province of S. France).

na tans: floating, swimming.

navicula ris: pertaining to a ship.

neapolita nus: Neapolitan.

nebulo sus: nebulous, clouded, indefinite, obscure.

neglec tus: neglected, overlooked.

nemora lis: of groves or woods.

nemoro sus: of groves or woods and shady places.

nepalen sis: of Nepal (Himalayan region).

neriifo lius: nerium-leaved, oleander-leaved.

nervo sus: nerved.

nevaden sis: of the Sierra Nevadas (in Spain or N. America).

nic titans: blinking, moving.

ni dus: nest.

ni ger: black.

nigra tus: blackish.

nigres cens: blackish, becoming black.

nig ricans: black.

nigricor nis: black-horned.

nig ripes: black-footed or -atalked.

nilot ica: of the Nile.

ni tens: shining.

nit idus: shining.

niva lis: snowy, pertaining to snow.

niv eus: snowy.

nivo sus: snowy, full of snow.

nnbil ior: more noble.

nob ilis: noble, famous, renowned.

nobilis simus: most or very noble.

nodidflo rus: with flowers at nodes.

nodo sus: with nodes, jointed.

nonscrip tus: undescribed.

nootkaten sis: of Nootka (Nootka Sound is by Vancouver Island).

nota tus: marked.

no vae-an gliae: of New England.

no vae-caesare ae: of New Jersey.

no vae-zealand iae: of New Zealand.

noveboracen sis: of New York.

no vi-bel gii: of New Belgium or New Netherlands i. e., New York).

nubic olus: dwelling among clouds.

nucif era: nut-bearing.

nuda tus: nude, stripped.

nudicau lis: naked-stemmed.

nudiflo rus: naked-flowered.

nu dus: nude, naked. numisma tus: pertaining to money, coin-like.

nu tans: nodding.

nyctic alus: night-blooming.


obcon icus: inversely conical.

obcorda tus: obcordate, inversely cordate.

obe sus: obese, fat.

obfusca tus: clouded, confused.

obli quus: oblique, unequal and slanting.

oblitera tus: obliterated, erased, not apparent.

oblonga tus: oblong.

oblongifo 1ius: oblong-leaved.

oblun gus: oblong.

obova tus: obovate, inverted ovate.

obscu rus: obscure, hidden.

obsole tus: obsolete, rudimentary.

obtusa tus: obtuse, blunt.

obtusifo lius: blunt-leaved.

obtusil obus: blunt-lobed.

obtu sus: obtuse, blunt, rounded.

occidenta lis: occidental, western.

ocean icus: oceanic; perhaps of Oceanica.

ocella tus: eyeleted, with small eyes.

ochrea tus: with an ochrea or boot-sheath.

ochroleu cus: yellowish white.

octan drus: with eight anthers.

octopet alus: eight-petaled.

octophyl lus: eight-leaved.

ocula tus: eyed, with eye-like marks.

odonti tes: tooth.

odontochi lus: with toothed lip or margin.

odoratis simus: most or very odorous, very fragrant.

odora tus: odorous, fragrant.

odo rus: odorous, fragrant.

officina lis: officinal, medicinal, recognized in the pharmacopea.

officina rum: of the apothecaries.

oleaefo lius: Olea- or olive-leaved.

oleif era: oil-bearing.

olera ceus: oleraceous, vegetable-garden herb used in cooking.

oligan thus: few-flowered.

oligocar pus: few-fruited.

oligosper rnus: few-seeded.

olito rius: pertaining to vegetable-gardens or -gardeners.

oliva ceus: olive-like, olive-colored.

olivaefor mis: olive-shaped.

olym picus: of Olympus or Mt. Olympus (in Greece).

omniv orus: omnivorous, of all kinds of food.

opa cus: opaque, shaded.

opercula tus: with a lid.

oppositiflo rus: opposite-flowered.

oppositifo lius: opposite-leaved.

opuliflo rus: flowers of Opulus (a Viburnum).

orbicula ris: round.

orbicula tus: round.

orchid eus: orchid-like.

orchioi des: orchid-like.

orega nus: of Oregon.

orgya lis: length of the arms extended, about 6 feet.

orienta lis: oriental, eastern.

ornatis simus: most showy or ornate.

orna tus: ornate, adorned.

ornithoceph alus: like a bird's head.

ornithop odus: like a bird's foot.

ornithorhyn chus: shaped like a bird's beak.

orthocar pus: straight-fruited.

orthochi lus: straight-lipped.

orthop terus: straight-winged.

ovalifo lius: oval-leaved.

ova lis: oval.

ovatifo lius: ovate-leaved.

ova tus: ovate.

ovif era: egg-bearing.

ovig era: egg-bearing.

ovi nus: pertaining to sheep.

oxyacan thus: sharp-thorned or -spined.

oxygo nus: sharp-angled.

oxyphyl lus: sharp-leaved.

oxysep alus: with sharp sepals.


pachyan thus: thick-flowered.

pachyneu rus: thick-nerved.

pachyp terus: thick-winged.

pacif icus: of the Pacific, of regions bordering the Pacific Ocean.

palaesti nus: of Palestine.

palea ceus: with palea (bracts in grass flowers), or palea-like, chaffy.

pal lens: pale.

palles cens: palish, becoming pale

pallia tus: palliated, cloaked.

pallidiflo rus: pale-flowered.

pallidifo lius: pale-leaved.

pallidispi nus: pale-spined.

pal lidus: pale.

pallifla vens: pale yellow.

palmatif idus: polmately cut.

palma tus: palmate, divided or lobed like the hand.

paludo sus: of marshes, marsh-loving.

palus tris: marsh-loving.

pandura tus: fiddle-shaped.

paniculi tus: paniculate.

paniculig era: panicle-bearing.

pannon icus: of Pannonia (Roman province on the Danube, now western Hungary).

panno sus: ragged, tattered.

papavera ceus: Papaver-like, poppy-like.

papiliona ceus: butterfly-like, the form of the pea flower.

papillo sus: papillate, with minute nipple-like projections or protuberances.

papyra ceus: papery.

papyrif era: paper-bearing.

paradisi acus: of parku or gardens.

paradox us: paradoxical, strange.

parasit icus: parasitical, of a parasite.

pardali nus: leopard-like, spotted.

pardi nus: leopard-spotted.

parti tus: parted.

parviflo rus: small-flowered.

parvifo lius: small-leaved.

parvis simus: smallest, very small.

par vulus: very small, very slight.

par vus: small.

patagon icus: of Patagonia.

patella ris: circular, disk-shaped, like a knee-pan.

pa tens: spreading.

pat ulus: spreading.

pauciflo rus: few-flowered.

paucifo liue: few-leaved.

pauper culus: poor.

pavoni nus: peacock-like.

pectina ceus: pectinate.

pectina tus: pectinate, comb-like, pin-natifid with very narrow close divisions or parts.

pectinif era: comb-bearing.

pectora lis: shaped like a breast-bone

peda tus: footed, of the foot or feet; also pedate, like a bird's foot, being palmately divided and the side parts 2-cleft.

pedemonta nus: of Piedmont (northern Italy).

peduncula ris: peduncled, stalked.

peduncula tus: peduncled.

pedunculo sus: with many peduncles.

pellu cidus: pellucid, with translucent dots.

pelta tus: peltate.

peltifo lius: peltate-leaved.

pelvifor mis: pelvis-shaped.

penduliflo rus: pendulous-flowered.

penduli nus: somewhat pendulous.

pen dulus: pendulous, hanging.

penicilla tus: hair penciled, like a little brush; pinnate.

penna tus: feathered, as the veins or lobes standing off at right angles from a midrib; pinnate.

penniner vis: feather-veined.

pennsylvan icus: of Pennsylvania.

pentago nus: five-angled.

pentag ynus: of five pistils.

pentan drus: of five stamens.

pentan thus: five-flowered.

pentaphyl lus: five-leaved.

perbel lus: very beautiful.

peregri nus: exotic, foreign, from a strange country.

peren nans: perennial.

peren nis: perennial, living three or more years.

perfolia tus: perfoliate, with leaf surrounding the stem.

perfora tus: perforated, with holes.

permix tus: much mixed or confused.

persicaefo lius: peach-leaved.

per sicus: of Persia; also the peach.

perspic uus: clear, transparent.

pertu sus: thrust through, forced through, perforated.

peruvia nus: Peruvian, of Peru.

petaloid eus: petal-like.

petiola ris: petioled, with a leaf-stalk.

petiola tus: petioled.

petrae us: rock-loving.

phlogiflo rus: flame-flowered.

phoenic eus: purple-red.

phryg ius: of Phrygia (in Asia-Minor).

phyllomani acus: running wildly to leaves, leafy.

pictura tus: painted-leaved, pictured, variegated.

pic tus: painted.

pilif era: bearing soft hairs.

pilosius culus: somewhat or slightly pilose.

pilo sus: pilose, shaggy, with soft hairs.

pilulif era: globule-bearing.

pineto rum: of pine forests.

pin eus: of the pine.

pinifo lius: pine-leaved.

pinnatif idus: pinnatifid, pinnately cleft.

pinnat ifrons: pinnate-fronded or -foliaged.

pinnatiner vis: pinnate-nerved.

pinna tus: pinnate, with leaflets on the sides of a main leaf axis.

pisif era: Pisum-bearing, pea-bearing.

pisocarpus: pea-fruited.

placa tus: quiet, calm.

planiflo rus: plane-flowered, flat-flowered.

planifo lius: flat-leaved.

plantagin eus: plantain-like.

pla nus: plane, flat.

platanoi des: Platanus-like, plane-tree-like.

platycan thus: broad-spined.

platycar pus: broad-fruited.

platyc ladus: broad-branched.

platyglos sus: broad-tongued.

platyphyl lus: broad-leaved.

plenis simus: very full or double.

ple nus: full, used to designate doubleness in flowers (as in flore-pleno).

pleuros tachys: side-spiked.

plica tus: plicate, plaited, folded lengthwise.

pluma rius: plumed.

pluma tus: plumed.

plum beus: of lead.

plumo sus: feathery.

poculifor mis: deep cup-shaped.

podocar pus: with stalked fruit.

poet icus: pertaining to poets

polifo lius: Polium-leaved, white-leaved.

poli tus: polished.

polyacan thus: many-spined.

polyan drus: of many stamens.

polyan thus: many-flowered.

polyceph alus: many-headed.

polydac tylus: many-fingered.

polyg amus: polygamous, having both perfect and imperfect flowers.

polymor phus: of many forms, variable.

polypet alus: many-petaled.

polyphyl lus: many-leaved.

polysper mus: many-seeded.

polysta chyus: many-spiked.

polystic tus: many-dotted.

poma ceus: pome-like, resembling the apple or pear.

pomeridia nus: afternoon.

pondero sus: ponderous, heavy, weighty.

pon ticus: of Pontus (in Asia Minor).

populifo lius: populus-leaved, poplar-leaved.

popul neus: pertaining to poplars.

porci nus: pertaining to swine.

porrifo lius: Porrum- or leek-leaved.

praeal tus: very tall.

prae cox: precocious, premature, very early.

prae stans: distinguished, excelling.

praetex tus: bordered.

prasina tus: greenish.

prasi nus: grass-green.

praten sis: of meadows.

precato rius: praying, prayerful.

primul inus: primrose-like.

prin ceps: princely, first.

prismat icus: prismatic, prism-shaped.

proboscid eus: proboscis-like.

proce rus: tall.

prucum bens: procumbent, lying on the ground.

procur rens: extended.

produc tus: produced, lengthened.

profu sus: profuse.

prolif era: producing offshoots, bearing abnormal supernumerary parts.

prolif icus: prolific, fruitful.

propen dens: hanging down.

propin quus: related, near to.

prostra tus: prostrate, lying flat.

protru sus: protruding.

provincia lis: provincial; or of Provence, southern France.

pruina tus: pruinose.

pruino sus: pruinose, with a hoary or frost-like bloom.

prunifo lius: plum-leaved.

pru riens: itching.

pseud- pseudo-: in combinations means false, not genuine, not the true or the typical, as Pseudotsuga, false tsuga.

psittaci nus: of the parrot.

pu bens: downy.

puber ulus: puberulous, somewhat pubescent.

pubes cens: pubescent, downy.

pudi cus: bashful, retiring, shrinking.

pulchel lus: pretty, beautiful.

pul cher: handsome, beautiful.

pulcher rimus: very handsome.

pul lus: dark colored, dusky, almost black.

pulverulen tus: powdered, dust-covered.

pulvina tus: cushioned, cushion-like.

pu milus: dwarf.

punctatis simus: most spotted, very spotted.

puncta tus: punctate, dotted.

pun gens: piercing, sharp-pointed.

punic eus: reddish purple.

purpura ceus: purple.

purpuras cens: purplish, becoming purple.

purpura tus: purple.

purpu reus: purple.

pusil lus: very small, insignificant.

pycnacan thus: densely spined.

pycnan thus: densely flowered.

pygmae us: pigmy.

pyramida lis: pyramidal.

pyrena icus: of the Pyrenees.

pyrifo lius: pear-leaved.

pyrifor mis: Pyrus-formed, pear-shaped.


quadrangula ris: quadrangular, four-angled.

quadrangula tus: four-angled.

quadra tus: in four or fours, squared.

quartric olor: of four colors.

quartridenta tus: four-toothed.

quadrif idus: four-cut.

quadrifo lius: four-leaved.

quadriparti tus: four-parted.

quadrival vis: four-valved.

quercifo lius: Quercus-leaved, oak-leaved.

querci nus: of Quercus the oak.

quina tus: quinate, in fives.

quinquec olor: five-colored.

quinqueflo rus: five-flowered.

quinquefo lius: five-leaved.

quinquelocula ris: five-loculed, of five cells or compartments.

quinquener vis: five-nerved.

quinquepuncta tus: five-spotted.


racemiflo rus: raceme-flowered.

racemo sus: racemose, flowers in racemes.

radia tus: radiate, rayed.

radi cans: rooting.

radico sus: many-rooted.

radi cum: of roots.

radio sus: radiate, with many rays.

ramenta ceus: bearing a hair-like covering.

ramiflo rus: with branching inflorescence.

ramosis simus: most- or much- branched.

ramo sus: branched.

ranif era: bearing frogs.

rapa ceus: pertaining to rape or turnips.

rariflo rus: scattered-flowered, with flowers loose or few.

ra rus: rare, uncommon.

rau cus: hoarse, raw.

reclina tus: reclined, bent back.

rec tus: straight, upright.

recurva tus: recurved.

recurvifo lius: recurved-leaved.

recur vus: recurved, curved back.

redivi vus: restored, brought to life.

reduplica tus: duplicated again, doubled again, redoubled.

reflex us: reflexed, bent back.

refractus: broken, broken in pieces.

reful gens: brightly shining, reflecting light or color.

rega lis: regal, royal.

Regi na: Queen.

re gius: regal, royal, kingly, pertaining to a king.

religio sus: used for religious purposes, venerated.

remo tus: remote, with parts distant.

renifor mis: reniform, kidney-shaped.

repan dus: repand, with margin wavy.

re pens: repent, creeping.

rep tans: creeping.

resec tus: cut off, curtailed, pruned.

resino sus: resin-bearing, full of resin.

reticula tus: reticulate, netted, net- veined.

retor tus: twisted back.

retroflex us: reflexed.

retu sus: retuse, notched slightly at a rounded apex.

rever sus: reversed, end-for-end.

revolu tus: revolute, rolled backward from the margins.

Rex: king.

rhamnifo lius: Rhamnus-leaved, buckthorn-leaved.

rhizophyl lus: root-leaved, acaulescent.

rhodan thus: rose-flowered.

rhodochi lus: rose-lipped or -margined.

rhodocinc tus: rose-girdled.

rhodoneu rus: red-nerved.

rhomboid eus: rhomboidal.

ricinifo lius: Ricinus-leaved, with leaves of castor-oil plant.

rigid ulus: somewhat stiff or rigid.

rig idus: rigid, stiff.

rin gens: ringent, gaping, open-mouthed.

ripa rius: of river banks.

riva lis: pertaining to brooks.

rivula ris: brook-loving.

robus tus: robust, stout.

rosa ceus: rose-like.

rosaeflo rus: rose-flowered.

ro seus: rose, rosy.

rostra tus: rostrate, beaked.

rosula ris: rosulate, in rosettes.

rota tus: rotate, wheel-shaped.

rotundifo lius: round-leaved.

rotun dus: rotund, round.

rubel lus: reddish.

ru bens: red, ruddy.

ru ber: red, ruddy.

ruber rimus: very red.

rubes cens: reddish, becoming red.

rubiaefo lius: rubus- or bramble-leaved.

rubicun dus: rubicund, red.

rubigino sus: rusty.

rubricau lis: red-stemmed.

rubrifo lius: red-leaved.

rubroner vis: red-veined.

rufes cens: reddish, becoming red.

rufiner vis: red-nerved.

ru fus: red, reddish.

rugo sus: rugose, wrinkled.

runcina tus: runcinate, retrorsely or backwardly incised or toothed.

rupes tris: rock-loving.

rupic olus: growing on cliffs or ledges.

rus ticus: rustic, belonging to the country.

ruthen icus: Ruthenian, Russian.

ru tilans: red, becoming red.


sacca tus: saccate, bag-like.

sacchara tus: containing sugar, sweet.

saccharif era: sugar-bearing.

sacchari nus: saccharine.

sac charum: sugar.

saccif era: bag-bearing.

sachalinen sis: of Saghalien Isl. (N. Japan).

sagitta lis: of the arrow, sagittate.

sagitta tus: sagittate, arrow-like.

sagittifo lius: arrow-leaved.

salicifo lius: salix-leaved, willow-leaved.

salic inus: willow-like.

salig nus: of the willow.

sail nus: salty.

sambu cinus: sambucus- or elder-like.

sanc tus: holy.

sandwicen sis: of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Isls.

sanguin eus: bloody, blood-red.

sap idus: savory, pleasing to taste.

sapien tum: of the wise men or authors.

sapona ceus: soapy.

sarco des: flesh-like.

sarmat icus: of Sarmatia (an ancient territory in S. Russia and Poland).

sarmento sus: sarmentose, bearing runners.

sati vus: cultivated.

sauroceph alus: lizard-headed.

saxat ilis: found among rocks.

saxic olus: growing among rocks.

saxo sus: full of rocks.

sca ber: scabrous, rough.

scabrel lus: somewhat scabrous.

scan dens: scandent, climbing.

scapo sus: with scapes.

scep trum: of a scepter.

schizoneu rus: cut-nerved.

schizopet alus: cut-petaled.

schizohyl lus: cut-leaved.

schola ris: pertaining to a school.

sclerocar pus: hard-fruited.

sclerophyl lus: hard-leaved.

scot ica: Scotch, of Scotland.

sculp tus: carved.

scutella ris: salver- or dish-shaped.

scu tum: a shield.

sebif era: tallow-bearing.

sebo sus: full of tallow or grease.

sechella rus: of the Seychelles (Indian Ocean).

secun dus: secund, side-flowering.

securig era: axe-bearing.

seg etum: of cornfields.

semiala tus: semi-winged, half or somewhat winged.

semicauda tus: semi- or partially tailed.

semicylin dricus: semi- or somewhat cylindrical.

semipinna tus: half or imperfectly pinnate.

semperflo rens: ever flowering.

semper virens: ever green.

seni lis: senile, old, white-haired.

sensib ilis: endowed with feeling, sensitive.

sensiti vus: sensitive.

sepia rius: pertaining to hedges.

se pium: of hedges or fences.

septangula ris: seven-angled.

septum lobus: seven-lobed.

septempuncta tus: seven-spotted.

septentriona lis: northern, belonging to the North.

sepul tus: sepulchered, interred.

seric eus: silky.

serot inus: late, late-flowering or late-ripening.

ser pens: creeping, crawling.

serpenti nus: of snakes, serpentine, looping or waving.

serratifo lius: serrate-leaved, saw-edge-leaved.

serra tus: serrate, saw-toothed.

serrula tus: serrulate, somewhat serrate.

sesquipeda lis: one foot and a half long or high.

sessiflo rus: sessile-flowered, without pedicel.

sessifo lius: sessile-leaved, without petiole.

sessilifo lius: sessile-leaved.

ses silis: sessile, stalkless, sitting.

seta ceus: setaceous, bristle-like.

setig era: bristly, bristle-bearing.

seto sus: setose, full of bristles.

setulo sus: full of small bristles.

sibir icus: of Siberia.

signa tus: marked, designated, attested.

sikkimen sis: of Sikhim or Sikkim (N. India).

silic eus: pertaining to or growing in sand.

siliculo sus: bearing silicles.

silvat icus: pertaining to woods, sylvan; sometimes sylvalictus.

silves tris: pertaining to woods.

simplex: simple, unbranched.

simplicicau lis: simple-stemmed.

simplicifo lius: simple-leaved.

simplicis simus: simplest, very unbranched.

sim ulans: similar to, resembling.

sinen sis: Chinese, of China.

sin icus: Chinese.

sinua tus: sinuate, wavy-margined.

sinuo sus: sinuate.

sitchen sis: belonging to Sitka, Alaskan.

smarag dinus: of emerald.

smilac inus: of smilax.

sobolif era: bearing creeping rooting stems or shoots.

socia lis: sociable, companionable.

socotra nus: of the Island of Socotra (south of Arabia).

sola ris: solar, of the sun.

sol idus: solid, dense, not hollow.

somnif era: sleep-producing.

sor didus: dirty, unclean, foul.

spadic eus: with a spadix.

sparsiflo rus: sparsely or few-flowered.

sparsifo lius: sparsely or few-leaved.

spar sus: sparse, scattered, few.

spar teus: pertaining to the broom.

spatha ceus: with a spathe.

spathula tus: spatulate, spoon-shaped, narrowed toward the base from a rounded top.

speciosis simus: very showy.

specio sus: showy, good-looking.

spectab ilis: spectacular, worth seeing, remarkable, showy.

spectan dus: showy.

spec trum: an image, apparition.

sphacela tus: dead, withered, diseased.

sphaer icus: spherical.

sphaerocar pus: spherical-fruited.

sphaeroceph alus: spherical-headed.

sphaeroid eus: sphere-like.

sphaerosta chyus: spherical-spiked.

spica tus: spicate, with spikes.

spicig era: spike-bearing.

spinosis simus: most or very spiny.

spino sus: full of spines.

spinulif era: bearing small spines.

spinulo sus: somewhat or weakly spiny.

spira lis: spiral.

spirel lus: a spiral, little spiral.

splen dens: splendid.

splendidis simus: very splendid.

splen didus: splendid.

spuma rius: frothing, of froth or spume.

spu rius: spurious, false, bastard.

squa lens: daubed, filthy.

squal idus: squalid, filthy.

squama tus: squamate, with squamae or small scale-like leaves or bracts.

squamo sus: squamate, full of scales.

squarro sus: squarrose, with parts spreading or even recurved at ends.

stamin eus: bearing prominent stamens.

stans: standing, erect, upright.

stauracan thus: with spines cross-shaped.

stella ris: starry.

stella tus: stellate, starry.

stellula tus: of little stars.

stenoceph alus: narrow-headed.

stenog ynus: with a narrow stigma.

stenopet alus: narrow-petaled.

stenophyl lus: narrow-leaved.

stenop terus: narrow-winged.

ster ilis: sterile, infertile.

stigmat icus: marked, of stigmas.

stigmo sus: much marked, pertaining to stigmas.

stipula ceus: stipuled, with stipules.

stipula ris: stipuled.

stipula tus: stipuled.

stolonif era: bearing stolons or runners that take root.

stramin eus: straw-colored.

strangula tus: strangled, constricted.

streptocar pus: twisted-fruited.

streptopet alus: with petals twisted.

streptophyl lus: twisted-leaved.

streptosep alus: with sepals twisted.

striat ulus: somewhat or faintly striped.

stria tus: striated, striped.

strictiflo rus: strict- or stiff-flowered.

stric tus: strict, upright, erect.

strigillo sus: somewhat strigose.

strigo sus: strigose, covered with sharp straight appressed hairs.

strigulo sus: beset with small or weak appressed hairs.

striola tus: striolate, somewhat or faintly striped.

strobilif era: cone-bearing.

struma rius: of tumors or ulcers.

struma tus: with tumors or ulcers.

stylo sus: with style or styles prominent.

styracif luus: flowing with storax or gum.

suave olens: sweet-scented.

sua vis: sweet, agreeable.

suavis simus: sweetest, very sweet-scented.

subacau lis: somewhat stemmed, nearly stemless.

subalpi nus: subalpine, nearly alpine.

subauricula tus: somewhat or rather auricled or eared.

subcarno sus: nearly or rather fleshy.

subcorda tus: partially or imperfectly or somewhat cordate.

subedenta tus: nearly toothless.

subercula tus: of cork, corky.

suberec tus: somewhat or rather erect.

subero sus: cork-barked, full of cork.

subfalca tus: somewhat falcate.

subglau cus: somewhat or to some degree glaucous.

subhirtel lus: somewhat hairy.

subluna tus: somewhat lunate or crescent-shaped.

submer sus: submerged, under water.

subperen nis: imperfectly or nearly perennial.

subpetiola tus: somewhat or partially petioled.

subses silis: nearly sessile, not completely sessile.

suhsinua tus: somewhat sinuate or wav>r-margined.

subterra neus: subterranean, underground.

subula tus: subulate, awl-shaped.

subumbella tus: somewhat or incompletely umbellate.

subvillo sus: somewhat villose or soft-hairy.

subvolu bilis: somewhat twining.

succulen tus: succulent, fleshy.

suec icus: Swedish, of Sweden.

suffrutes cens: slightly shrubby, becoming somewhat shrubby.

suffrutico sus: slightly shrubby.

sulca tus: silicate, furrowed.

sulphu reus: sulfur-colored.

sumatra nus: of the Isl. of Sumatra.

superb iens: superb, proud.

super bus: superb, proud.

supercilia ris: eyebrow-like.

super fluus: superfluous, redundant.

surculo sus: producing suckers.

surinamen sis: belonging to Surinam (Dutch Guiana).

susia nus: of the province of Susiana (Persia).

suspen sus: suspended, hung.

sylvat icus: sylvan, forest-loving (also written silvaticus).

sylves tris: of woods or forests.

sylvic olus: growing in woods

syphilit icus: syphilitic.

syri acus: Syrian, of Syria.

sys tylus: with styles joined.


tabula ris: pertaining to tablets.

tabulifor mis: tablet-formed.

taedig era: torch-bearing, resin-bearing.

taraxicifo lius: Taraxicum- or dandelion-leaved.

tardiflo rus: late-flowered.

tardi vus: tardy, late.

tatar icus: of Tartary (old name for Central Asia).

tau reus: of oxen.

tau ricus: Taurian, Crimean.

tauri nus: bull-like.

taxifo lius: Taxus-leaved, yew-leaved.

tecto rum: of roofs or houses.

tec tus: concealed.

temulen tus: drunken.

tenacis simus: most tenacious.

te nax: tenacious, strong.

tenebro sus: of dark or shaded places.

tenel lus: slender, tender, soft.

ten er: slender, tender, soft.

tentacula tus: with tentacles or short projecting parts.

tenuicau lis: slender-stemmed.

tenuiflo rus: slender-flowered.

tenuifo lius: slender-leaved.

tenuil obus: slender-lobed.

tenu ior: more slender.

ten uis: slender, thin.

tenuis simus: very slender, very thin.

terebinth inus: of turpentine.

te res: terete, circular in cross-section.

teretifo lius: terete-leaved.

termina lis: terminal, at the end of a stem or branch.

terna tus: in threes, ternate.

ternifo lius: with leaves in threes.

terres tris: of the earth, terrestrial.

tessella tus: tessellate, laid off in squares or in dice-like pattern.

testa ceus: light brown, brick-colored; also testaceous, bearing a prominent testa or outer seed-coat.

testicula tus: testiculated, testicled.

testudina rius: like a tortoise-shell.

tetracan thus: four-spined.

tetrago nus: four-angled.

tetran drus: four-anthered.

tetran thus: four-flowered.

tetraphyl lus: four-leaved.

tetrap terus: four-winged.

tetraque trus: four-cornered.

texa nus, texen sis: of Texas, belonging to Texas.

theif era: tea-bearing.

therma lis: warm, of warm springs.

thuyoi des: like Thuja or arbor-vitae.

thyrsiflo rus: Thyrse-flowered.

thyrsoid eus: thyrse-like.

tibic inis: of a flute player.

tigri nus: tiger-striped.

tincto rius: belonging to dyers, of dyes.

tinc tus: dyed.

tipulifor mis: of the shape of a daddy-long-legs.

tomento sus: tomentose, matted-pubescent.

tormina lis: useful against colic.

toro sus: torose, cylindrical with contractions at certain places or at intervals.

tor tilis: twisted.

tortuo sus: much twisted.

tor tus: twisted.

torulo sus: somewhat torose.

toxica rius: poisonous.

tox icus: poisonous.

toxif era: poison-producing.

transpa rens: transparent.

trapezifor mis: trapezium-formed, a four-sided figure of which no two sides are alike.

trapezioi des: trapezium-like.

tremuloi des: like Tremulus, the trembling poplar.

trem ulus: quivering, trembling.

triacan thus: three-spined.

trian drus: with three anthers or stamens

triangula ris: three-angled.

triangula tus: three-angled.

trian gulus: three-angular.

tricauda tus: three-tailed.

trichophyl lus: hairy-leaved.

trichosan thus: hairy-flowered.

trichosper mus: hairy-seeded.

trichot omus: thrice branched or forked.

tric olor: throe-colored.

tricor nis: three-horned.

tricuspida tus: three-cusped, three-pointed.

tridac tylus: three-fingered.

tri dens: with three teeth.

tridenta tus: three-toothed.

trifascia tus: three-banded.

trif idus: three-parted.

triflo rus: three-flowered.

trifolia tus: three-leaved.

trifoliola tus: three-leafleted.

trifo lius: three-leaved.

trifurca tus: trifurcate, thrice-forked.

trilinea tus: three-lined.

triloba tus: three-lobed.

tril obus: three-lobed.

trimes tris: of three months.

triner vis: three-nerved.

trinota tus: three-marked or -spotted.

triparti tus: three-parted.

tripet alus: three-petaled.

triphyl lus: three-leaved.

trip teris: three-winged.

tripuncta tus: three-spotted.

trique trus: three-cornered.

tris tis: sad, bitter, dull.

triterna tus: triternate, thrice in threes.

trium phans: triumphant.

trivia lis: common, ordinary, very frequent, found everywhere.

trop icus: of the tropics.

truncat ulus: somewhat or partially truncate.

trunca tus: truncate, cut off square.

tubercula tus: tuberculate, with tubercles or small tubers.

tuberculo sus: tubercled, knotted.

tubero Bus: tuberous.

tubiflo rus: tube-flowered, trumpet-flowered.

tubis pathus: tube-spathed.

tubulo sus: tubulose, with tubes.

tulipif era: tulip-bearing.

tu midus: swollen.

turbi na tus: turbinate, top-shaped.

tur gidus: turgid, inflated, full.

typhl nus: smoky or dull; perhaps pertaining to fever.

typ icus: typical, conforming to the standard or norm.


ulic inus: like the gorse or furze (Ulex).

uligino sus: of wet or marshy places.

ulmifo lius: Ulmus-leaved, elm-leaved.

umbelia tus: with umbels.

umbellula tus: with umbellets.

umbona tus: bossed, bearing at center an umbo or stout projection.

umbraculif era: umbrella-bearing, shade-producing.

umbro sus: shaded, shade-loving.

uncina tus: hooked at the point.

undi tus: waved.

undecimpuncta tus: eleven-spotted.

undulatifo lius: undulate-leaved.

undula tus: undulated, wavy.

unguicula ris: clawed, narrowed to a petiole-like base.

unguicula tus: unguiculate, clawed.

unguipet alus: petals clawed.

unic olor: one-colored.

unicor nis: one-horned.

unidenta tus: one-toothed.

uniflo rus: one-flowered.

unilatera lis: one-sided.

univitta tus: one-striped.

urceola tus: urn-shaped.

u rens: burning, stinging.

urentis simus: very burning, very stinging.

urophyl lus: tail-leaved.

urusta chyus: tail-spiked.

ursi nus: pertaining to bears.

urticifo lius: nettle-leaved (Urtica).

usitatis simus: most useful.

ustula tus: burnt, sere.

u tilis: useful.

utilis simus: most useful.

utricula tus: utriculate, with a utricle or small bladdery one-seeded fruit.

utriculo sus: utricled.

uvif era: grape-bearing.


va gans: wandering, vagabondish.

vagina lis: vaginate, sheathed.

vagina tus: sheathed.

valdivia nus, valdivien sis: Valdivian, of province of Valdivia (Chile).

valenti nus: Valentian, of Valentia (in Spain).

val idus: strong.

variab ilis: variable, of many forms.

va rians: variable.

varia tus: variable.

variega tus: variegated.

vaiiifor mis: of variable or many forms.

va rius: various, diverse.

vasta tor (feminine vastatrix): ravaging, devastating.

vegeta tus: full of growth, vigorous.

veg etus: vigorous.

vela ris: pertaining to curtains or veils.

velu tinus: velvety.

venena tus: poisonous.

veno sus: veiny.

ventrico sus: ventricose, swelling or inflated on one side or unevenly.

venus tus: handsome, charming.

verecun dus: modest, blushing.

vermicula tus: worm-like, or like worm-tracks.

verna lis: vernal.

vernicif era: varnish-bearing.

ver nus: of spring, vernal.

verruco sus: verrucose, warted.

versic olor: variously colored.

verticilla ris: verticillate.

verticilla tus: verticillate, whorled, arranged in a circle about the stem.

ve rus: the true or genuine or standard.

ves cus: weak, thin, feeble.

vesiculo sus: with little bladders

vesperti nus: of the evening, western.

vesti tus: covered, clothed, as with hairs or pubescence.

vex ans: puzzling, vexatious.

vexilla rius: of the standard petal (as of pea-like flowers), with a standard.

villo sus: villous, soft-hairy.

vimina lis: of osiers, of basket willows.

vimin eus: of osiers or wicker-work.

vinif era: wine-bearing.

vino sus: full of wine.

viola ceus: violet.

violes cens: somewhat violet-colored or becoming so.

vi rens: green.

vires cens: greenish, becoming green.

virga tus: twiggy.

virgina lis: virgin.

virgin eus: virgin.

virgin icus, virginien sis: Virginian, of Virginia.

viridiflo rus: green-flowered.

viridifo lius: green-leaved.

vir idis: green.

viridis simus: greenest, very green.

virid ulus: greenish.

viscid ulus: somewhat viscid.

vis cidus: viscid, sticky.

viscosis simus: very sticky.

visco sus: viscid.

vitelli nus: dull yellow approaching red.

vitifo lius: Vitis-leaved, grape-leaved.

vitta tus: striped.

vittig era: bearing stripes.

vivip arus: viviparous, producing the young alive (rather-than oviparous).

volgar icus: Volgan, of the Volga river region (written also wolgaricus).

volu bilis: twining.

volup tas: pleasure, delight.

volu rus: rolled-leaved.

vulga ris: vulgar, common.

vulga tus: common.

vulpi nus: of the fox.


wolgar icus: Volgan (see volgaricus).


xanthacan thus: yellow-spined.

xan thi nus: yellow.

xanthocar pus: yellow-fruited.

xantholeu cus: yellow-white.

xanthophyl lus: yellow-leaved.


yedoen sis: of Yedo or Yeddo (Japan).

yunnanen sis: of Province of Yun-nan, China.


zebri nus: zebra-striped.

zeylan icus: Ceylonian, of Ceylon; Cingalese; same as ceylanicus.

zoni lis: zonal, zoned.

zona tus: zoned, banded.

More information on species names

The species-adjective is made to agree with its genus in gender: thus the Latin adjective aureus (golden) takes the regular masculine termination in Calochortus aureus, because Calochortus is masculine; the feminine termination in Albuca aurea; the neuter in Acrostichum aureum; in Sorbus it is feminine (S. aurea) even though the generic name is masculine in form, because most trees are feminine whatever the termination of the name. In the following list, for convenience most of the adjectives are printed in the masculine form. The leading exceptions are those that terminate in -fer and -ger, meaning "bearuig," these being given in the feminine form.

The above examples illustrate prevailing terminations of species-words. Other adjectives have other forms, as niger; nigra, nigrum (black); asper, aspera, asperum (rough); acaulis, acaule (stemless); the termination -ensis (belonging to, citizen of), as in canadensis, canadense (not -um). Commemorative personal species-names may be in the genitive or in the form of an adjective; as Stanhopea Lindleyi. Lindley's stanhopea; Selenipedium Lindleyanum, Lindleyan selenipedium. If the person's name ends in a hard consonant, the termination (under the recent Vienna code) is in double ii, as Canna Lambertii. If for a woman, the termination is feminine, as Acacia Wayae. Substantive names in apposition hold their own termination, and the word in such cases should begin with a capital letter, if it is a proper name or an old generic name, as Hibiscus Sabdariffa, Artemisia Absinthium, Begonia Rex. Such words are usually old generic names or prominent vernacular substantives, and they commonly record some historical connection of the plant.

Very many names are compounded from generic or subgeneric names, representing similarity or likeness to. These the reader will be able to recognize at once, and they need not be entered in this list. Examples are: achilleaefolius, achillea-leaved; achilleoides, achillea-like; acrostichoides, acrostichum-like; bellidiflorus, bellis-flowered; lamiifolius, lamium-leaved; xiphioides, xiphium-like; tremuliformis, tremula-formed or -shaped; cacaliopsis, cacalia-like; atriplicis, atriplex-like; scillaris, scilla-like.