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Bellis perennis, the Common Daisy

Daisy (i. e., day's eye, in allusion to the sun-like form of the flower). A name applied to the flowers of many Composite, but it properly belongs to the Bellis perennis of Europe, a low early-flowering plant, which, in its double forms, is widely known as a garden subject (see Common Daisy). The American congener is Bellis integrifolia, Michx., an annual or biennial, very like the Old World species, ranging south-westward from Kentucky; it is not domesticated. In North America, the word daisy is applied to many field composites, particularly to those of comparatively low growth and large flower-heads. Unqualified, the word is commonly understood to mean Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, an Old World plant that has become an abundant field weed in the eastern part of the country. This plant is also frequently known as the ox-eve daisy, although in parts of New England it is called whiteweed, and the term ox-eye is applied to Rubdeckia hirta, which has a yellow-rayed head. Kin to the Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum are the Paris daisies, or marguerites, of the conservatories (see Chrysanthemum). The wild asters are called daisies, especially Michaelmas daisies, in many parts of the country, particularly west of New York. Spring-flowering erigerons also are called daisies. The Swan River daisy is Brachycome iberidifolia. The African daisy of gardens is Dimorphotheca. CH


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