Cordyline fruticosa

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Cordyline fruticosa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Cordyline terminalis, Kunth. Low and slender, 3-8 ft. high: Lvs. contiguous, ascending, green or rarely colored, 12-30 in. long, 2-5 in. wide, elliptical or elliptic- lanceolate, acute, thickish, distinctly costate; veins frequently unequal, strongly oblique; petiole 4-6 in. long, deeply channelled: pedicels very short or none; bracteoles deltoid, membranous; perianth 5-6 lines long, white, lilac, or reddish, segms. short; ovules 6-10 in each cell: berry large, red. E. Indies. A.G. 16:361. B.R. 1749. Var. cannaefolia, Baker (D. and C. cannaefolia, Hort.). Lvs. oblanceolate, 12-15 in. by 2- 2½ in. : perianth 2 lines long; segms. twice the length of tube. Var. ferrea, Baker (D. and C. ferrea, Hort.). Lvs. narrow, oblanceolate, 2-2½ in. broad, dull purple or variegated; petiole short: fls. much as in the typical form, but (redder and often smaller. B.M. 2053. — C. Guilfoyleri is a form with lvs. tapering both ways, recurved, striped with red, pink or white; white on lower part of If. and margin of petiole. I.H. 19, p. 249. Var. TI, Baker (D. braziliensis, Schult. C. Eschscholziana, Mart.). Robust: Lvs. large, mostly oblong, 4-6 in. wide: panicle large, lower branches compound; perianth 6 lines long, lilac; segms. as long as the tube. — D. imperialis, Hort., is a form with Lvs. arching or erect, thick, deep metallic green, rayed all over with bright crimson or pink, handsome. D. reginae, Hort., belongs here. The varieties of this species in cult, are almost innumerable. Names that have been used for those in the American trade, usually considered as horticultural species, though many of these names are now no longer used, are as follows: C. amabilis. Lvs. broad, shining deep green, in age becoming spotted and suffused with rose and white. C. amboyensis. Lvs. oblong-lanceolate, recurved, deep bronze-green, edged with rose-carmine below; petioles tinged with purple. C. anerliensis. Lvs. very broad, deep bronze-red, with some white. C. Baptistii. Fig. 1054. Lvs. broad, recurved, deep green, with some pink and yellow stripes: sts. also variegated. I.H. 26:334. C. Bausei. Lvs. broad, dark green, with some white. C. bella. Lvs. small, purplish, marked with red. C. Cantrellii. Lvs. dark metallic crimson, young ones bright carmine. C. Cooperi. Lvs. deep wine-red, gracefully recurved: common in cult. C. Fraseri. Lvs. somewhat erect, broad, oblong, abruptly acute, blackish purple with bloom, margin below with a deep rosy lake stripe extending down the petiole. C. Gladstonei. Lvs. broad, brilliant crimson. C. hybrids. Lvs. broad, variegated, deep green margined with rose, in age deep rose, creamy white in young Lvs. C. jardiniere (C. terminalis alba x C. Guilfoylei). Lvs. very small and compact, narrow, green broadly margined with white. C. metallica. Lvs. erect-arching, oblong, when young uniform rich coppery purple, in age dark purple-bronze; petioles same. F.M. 1872:24. C. nigro-rubra. Lvs. narrow, linear-lanceolate, dark brown with rosy crimson centers, young often entirely rose. C. norwoodiensis. Lvs. striped with yellow, green and crimson, last color principally confined to the margin; petioles brilliant. C. Robinsoniana. Lvs. long lanceolate-acuminate, arched, light green, striped with bronze-green and brownish crimson. I.H. 26:342. C. Schuldii. Lvs. broad, variegated. F.E. 7:961. C. Scottii. Lvs. broad, arching, deep green, crimson edged; said to be a hybrid. C. Youngii. Lvs. broad, spreading, when young bright green streaked with deep red and tinged with rose, in age bright bronze. C. Youngii var. rosea, Hort. Green, tinged with pink, white or carmine. C. Youngii var. alba, Hort. Variegated with white instead of red. Crosses with C. Scottii are known as C. stricta, C. albo-lineata, Mrs. George Pullman, Mrs. Terry; with C. norwoodiensis, as Little Gem. CH

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