Geum rivale

Revision as of 04:27, 6 September 2009 by Christi (talk | contribs)

Geum rivale, Linn. Fig. 1632. St. erect and nearly simple: root-lvs. lyrate; st.-lvs. few, with 3 lobes or lfts.: calyx brownish purple; petals purplish orange, obovate and emarginate, narrowed into a claw. North temperate regions. Var. album, is also sold.

Geum rivale
Geum rivale01.jpg
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Geum
Species: G. rivale

Binomial name
Geum rivale

Geum rivale, the water avens, is a flowering plant of the family Rosaceae. It is native to much of Europe, with the exception of Mediterranean areas, as well as some parts of Central Asia and North America [1]. In North America, it is known as purple avens [2]. It grows in bogs and damp meadows [3], and produces nodding red flowers from May to September [4].


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