Read about Dipladenia boliviensis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Dipladenia boliviensis, Hook. Plant everywhere glabrous: sts. slender: Lvs. petioled, 2-3½ in. long, oblong, acuminate, acute at base, bright green and glossy above, pale beneath; stipules none: racemes axillary, 3-4-fld.; peduncles much shorter than the Lvs., about as long as petioles and pedicels; bracts minute at the base of the twisted pedicels; calyx - lobes ovate, acuminate, 3 lines long; corolla almost salver - shaped, tube and throat slender and cylindrical, the former ½ in. long, the latter twice as long and half as broad again; limb 1½ in. across; lobes broadly ovate, more acuminate than in D. atropurpurea. Bolivia. B. M. 5783. Gn. 44: 140. Gng. 7:342.
- REDIRECT Mandevilla boliviensis