Gladiolus carneus
Gladiolus blandus. Ait. Corm medium size, globose: st. 2 ft. or less tall, sometimes branched: lvs. usually 4, 1 ft. or less long and ½ - ¾ in. wide: fls. few, white and red-tinged, the curved tube 1 ½ in- long; segms. all oblong or oblong-spatulate and flaring or recurved, some of them red-marked in the throat; stamens more than half length of limb. S. Afr., coast region; variable. B.M. 625. Sometimes pure white. B.M. 648, G. albidus, Jacq.; pink or flesh-color, B.M. 645; G. carneus, Delar.; segms. white, with many pink markings, B. M. 3680, G. mortonius, Herb.; taller, with longer lvs. and perianth-tube, G. excelsus, Sweet; pink fls. with red blotches on 3 lower segms., var. hibbertii, Hort. G. blandus is an old garden plant.