Exochorda korolkowii

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Read about Exochorda korolkowii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Exochorda Korolkowii, Lav. (E. Alberta, Regel. E. grandiflora var. Albertii, Aschers. & Graebn.). Upright, slender- branched shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: Lvs. oblong, to oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, gradually narrowed toward the base, entire, but the Lvs. of the stronger shoots often serrate above the middle and at the base with 1 or few small narrow lobes, 1½-2½ in. long: racemes 5-8-fld.; fls. 1½ in. across; petals narrowly obovate; stamens 25: caps. ¾ in. long, ovoid, pointed. April, May. Turkestan. G.W. 16, p. 451. G. 31:505.—This is one of the earliest shrubs to burst into leaf in spring; it is of more upright habit and with darker and denser foliage than the preceding, but not Bo floriferous.

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  1. REDIRECT Exochorda racemosa subsp. racemosa