Hibiscus laevis

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Read about Hibiscus laevis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hibiscus militaris, Cav. Herbaceous perennial, 4-6 ft., strong-growing, glabrous or very nearly so: lvs. rather small, usually hastate (2 short lobes at base), the middle lobe ovate-lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, long- acuminate, equally crenate-toothed; upper lvs. halberd-form : bracteoles linear or awl-like, nearly or quite half as long as the calyx: fls. 3-5 in. across, white, blush or pale rose, purple-eyed: fr. inclosed in inflated calyx; seeds hairy. Wet places, Pa. to Minn, and south to the Gulf. B.M. 2385.—A hardy and fine species. Forms occur with lvs. not lobed.

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