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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Listrostachys >

Read about Listrostachys in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Listrostachys (Greek, shovel or hoe, and spike). Orchidaceae. Orchids with the habit of Angraecum. Racemes many-fld.; sepals and petals alike, spreading; lip adnate to the foot of the column, with a long thin or reflexed spur; column bent back against the dorsal sepal; pollinia 2, upon divided stalks.—About 60 species, in Trop. Afr.

L. bidens, Rolfe. Free-flowering epiphytal orchid from W. Trop. Afr.: sts. elongated, many-lvd.: lvs. thick, ovate-oblong, obliquely 2-lobed: fls. fragrant, many, in slender hanging racemes, white or pinkish, the spur as long as the lip. B.M. 8014.— L. bracteosa, Rolfe. St. very short: racemes axillary, few-fld.; fls. pale yellowish green, fleshy. Mauritius.—L. caudata, Reichb. f. (Angnecum caudatum, Lindl.). Racemes zigzag. 5- or more-fid.; fls. distant, about 3 in. across; sepals and petals linear-lanceolate, olive-green, flushed with pale brown; lip clawed, obcordate-cuneate; spur pale brown, 8-9 in. long. Sierra Lcone. B.R. 1844. O.R. 20:297. B.M. 4370.—L. Chailluana, Reichb. f. (Angraecum Chailluanum, Hook. f.). Lvs. up to 8 in. long, 1 ½ in. broad: racemes 6-10- fld.; fls. milk-white; spur slender, flexuous, greenish. W. Afr. B.M. 5589. J.H. 111.43:579. G.C. III. 31: suppl. March 22.—L.dactyloceras, Reichb. f. About 3 in. high: lvs. very fleshy, sword-shaped: fls. white. W. Trop. Afr.—L. fimbriata, Rolfe. Fls. translucent white, with slight greenish tinge; spur long and slender. Uganda. —L. forsipata, Kranzl. Plant small: fls. pellucid, white. Trop. Afr.—L hamata, Rolfe. Remarkable for having all the long spurs hooked at the tip: fls. white, with green spur. W. Trop. Afr. B.M. 8074.—L. imbricata, Rolfe. Plant very small: spike about 7-fld.; fls. white, small. Trop. Afr.—L. Kindtiana, Wildem. Dwarf: racemes short, dense; fls. yellow, star-shaped. Congo.—L. Monteirae, Reichb. f. (Angraecum antennatum, Kranzl.). Robust epiphyte from W. Trop. Afr., sometimes met with in cult.: 1-2 ft., bearing roots toward the base: lvs. oblong or obovate-oblong, obliquely bilobed: racemes erect, many-fid., 6-12 in. long; fls. yellowish white, the upper part of spur ochreous and the base light green. B.M.8026.—L. pellucida, Reichb. f. (Angraecum pellucidum, Lindl.). Racemes pendulous, many-fld.; fls. semi-transparent, spiral, yellowish white; lip cordate, truncate at apex, fimbriate; spur short. Sierra Leone. G.C. III. 49:18. C.O.I. R.B. 32, p. 38.—L. vandaeformis, Kranzl. Plant very large: racemes nodding, many-fld.; fls. yellow. W. Trop. Afr. G.W. 13, p. 54.—L. Whytei. Rolfe. Racemes several-fld.; fls. small, sweet-scented, white, wax-like, with pointed brown-tipped spurs. Uganda.

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