Malus angustifolia

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Read about Malus angustifolia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Pyrus angustifolia, Ait. (Malus coronaria, Brit. M. an- gustifolia, Michx. M. sempervirens, Desf. P. semper- virens, Willd. M. microcarpa var. sempervirens, Wenz.). Small tree, to 20 or 30 ft.: lvs. lance-oblong, crenate- serrate or almost entire, not lobed or only slightly so, thick and partially evergreen, rounded at apex, cuneate at base: fls. 1 in. across, fragrant, in few-fld. umbels, slender-pedicelled; calyx-tube glabrous or pubescent outside, the lobes narrow-acuminate and with rigid points and tomentose inside; petals narrow- obovate, slender-clawed; styles tomentose below: fr. subglobose to slightly pyriform, 3/4-1 in. diam., with cavities at both ends, yellow-green and fragrant. Va. to Fla. and Miss. S.S. 4:169. B.R. 1207. A double-fld. form is sometimes described and figured as P. angus- tifolia, but it is properly P. ioensis (No. 44). Var. puberula, Bailey (M. coronaria var. puberula, Rehd. M. angustifolia var. puberula, Rehd.), in Miss, and La., differs mostly in its pointed lvs., which are lightly pubescent beneath when young, and by the slightly villous pedicels.

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