Silene banksia

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Silene banksia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lychnis fulgens, Fisch. (not Hort.). An erect-stemmed perennial, hairy. lvs. ovate to ovate-oblong, roughish, tapering below but scarcely petioled: fls. few, in a rather dense terminal cluster, bright scarlet, each petal divided into 2 broad lobes, on the outer side of which are 2 other and very narrow lobes, the ends of the main lobes slightly toothed; calyx oblong or ovate, 10- ribbed, with erect teeth. Siberia, China, Japan. B. M. 2104. B.R. 478—Perhaps not in cult, in this country. The plant that passes under this name is probably a form of L. coronata. From L. chalcedonica it is distinguished by lower stature, much larger fls., and the well-marked side teeth or lobes on the petals.

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