Annona mucosa

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Annona mucosa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Rollinia jimenezii, Safford. Anonilla. Fig. 3424. A small tree of Costa Rica resembling R. mucosa but with fls. in clusters of 2 or 3, having the corolla-wings horizontally spreading and slightly decurved, and with fr. resembling that of the common sugar-apple (Annona squamosa), with the component carpels rounded at the tips when fresh, but more or less beaked when dry: lvs. ovate to oblong-elliptical, acuminate, those of the vegetative branches 7-8 in. long and 2 3/5-3 in. broad, obtuse at the base, with 18-22 primary nerves on each side of midrib, those of the flowering branches smaller with 12-16 pairs of primary nerves and usually rounded at the base; point of acumen either acute or more usually obtuse or retuse; young branches, petioles, and lower surface of young lvs. covered thickly with ferru- gineous hairs, lvs. at length glabrous or nearly so except along the midrib and nerves beneath: peduncles lf.- opposed, in clusters of 2 or 3, graduated in length, the longest about 4/5in. long, ferrugineous-tomentose like the ovate-acuminate calyx-lobes: corolla-wings oblong, rounded at the tip, scarcely at all narrowed at the base, widely spreading and usually decurved, never curving upward and inward, rufous-puberulent: fr. subglobose, about 2 2/5in. diam., closely resembling that of Annona squamosa, the component carpels loosely adhering, very gibbous, rounded or often retuse at the tip when fresh; pulp white, edible, but not so agreeably flavored as that of Annona squamosa.—This species is based upon specimens in the U. S. National Herbarium, received from Oton Jimenez, of San Jose, Costa Rica, the fls. collected by him at Nuestro Amo, March, 1912 (No. 427), and the fr. from the same tree, Oct., 1912. The accompanying figure is drawn from type material, the fr. from a field photograph sent by Mr. Jimenez, in whose honor the species is named.

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