Mentha x piperita nothosubsp. citrata

Revision as of 18:44, 5 January 2010 by Raffi (talk | contribs) (moved Mentha x piperita notho subsp. citrata to Mentha x piperita nothosubsp. citrata over redirect: actually not a typo, nothosubsp. is a type of subsp.)

Read about Mentha x piperita nothosubsp. citrata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Mentha citrata, Ehrh. Bergamot Mint. Perennial by leafy stolons, glabrous throughout: st. decumbent. 1-2 ft. long, branched: lvs. thin, broadly ovate and obtuse or the uppermost lanceolate and acute: fls. in the uppermost axils and in short, dense, terminal spikes; calyx glabrous, with subulate teeth; corolla glabrous. Sparingly naturalized from Eu. in N. Y., N. J., Fla. and Ohio.—The fragrant lemon-scented oil is distilled for use in making perfumes.

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