Amorpha fruticosa

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Amorpha >

fruticosa >

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Read about Amorpha fruticosa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Amorpha fruticosa, Linn. Bastard Indigo. Fig. 189. Shrub, 5-20 ft.: Lvs. 6-10 in. long,: lfts. 11-21, oval or elliptic, ½-1½ in. long, mostly obtuse and mucronulate: spikes dense, 3-6 in. long, usually in panicles; fls. dark purple: pods stout, glandular. From Wis. and Pa. south. B.R. 5:427.—Interesting ornamental shrub of spreading habit, with fine feathery foliage; remarkable for the unusual color of its dark violet-purplish fls. A very variable species; of the many varieties, the following are probably the most important: Var. croceo-lanata, Mouillef. (A. croceo-lanata, Wats.). Covered with yellowish brown pubescence. W.D.B. 2:139. Var. albiflora, Sheldon. With white fls. Var. caerulea, Mouillef. With pale blue fls. Var. pendula, Dipp. (A. pendula, Carr.). With recurved or pendulous branches. Var. humilis, Schneid. (A. humilis, Tausch). Low form with smaller and narrower Lvs. B.M. 2112 (as A. nana). Var. crispa, Kirchn. Lvs. with crisp margin.

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