Bactris brongniartii

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Read about Bactris brongniartii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Bactris pallidispina, Mart. (B. flavispina, Hort.). St. 10-18 ft. high, 1-2 in. diam., the internodes spiny: Lvs. showv, 5-9 ft. long, equally interruptedly pinnatisect; petiole 4-6 ft., brown-scaly, thickly covered with very long (¾-2¼ in.), black-tipped yellow spines, either solitary or in groups of 2-4; segms. linear-lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, prickly on the margins, the basal ones 2-8 in. long, 1½ in. wide, the upper, 12x1¼in.: fr. 3-4 times exceeding the persistent calyx, about 1½ in . long. Brazil.

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