Kalanchoe pinnata

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Read about Kalanchoe pinnata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Bryophyllum pinnatum, Kurz (B. calycinum, Salisb.). Figs. 673-4. Height 2-4 ft. : Lvs. opposite, fleshy, becoming leathery with age, earlier ones simple, ovate, with cordate or rounded base, later ones pinnate and then of 3-5 short- stalked lfts., the rachis and petiole with a narrow groove on the upper side, margin crenately doubly-serrate, light green becoming purplish along the veins toward maturity, margin purple as are also the petioles and young st.-growths: fls. pendulous, in terminal panicles; calyx much inflated, purplish green with lighter dots, 1½ in. long; corolla greenish white with purple-tinted, spreading acute tips. Tropics of both hemispheres. B.M. 1409. L.B.C. 9:877. G.C. 111.41:422. J.H.I1I.46:205. R.B. 24:125. R.H. 1900, p. 362. V. 3:117; 4:113; 7:340.—Said to be used in India as a diuretic.

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