Search results
- '''Sand''' is a [[granular material]] made up of fine rock particles. Sand is a naturally occurring, f ...ring plant]]s use sand as an additive with a mixture of [[clay]] and other materials for manufacturing bricks.7 KB (1,069 words) - 03:58, 6 April 2007
- [[Category:Granular materials]]4 KB (593 words) - 10:19, 12 July 2007
- Synthesized materials are also called '''artificial''', and may be described as '''straight,''' w ...combined with the high cost of shipping, leads to use of locally available materials or those from the closest/cheapest source, which may vary with factors affe22 KB (3,099 words) - 12:48, 8 April 2007
- ...d, and improvement brought about, if the soil is heavy, by the use of such materials as ashes, sand, other soil, manure, and lime. A stiff clay which is being b ...f the land, improves the physical condition of the soil, rendering it more granular; it is useful for the improvement of the moisture relation as regards recep47 KB (7,962 words) - 11:24, 30 March 2010
- ''[[Farinaceous]]''. Containing starch, or starch-like materials. ''[[Granular]], granulose''. Covered with very small grains; minutely or finely mealy.83 KB (13,393 words) - 04:26, 7 January 2012
- ...rrow and the trees crowded; roadway and sidewalk are paved with impervious materials preventing both water and air getting into the soil, and effectually keepin ...of the horticulturist, the conifers also take a prominent place among the materials for landscape gardening effects, and, in the more practical use, as windbre107 KB (18,254 words) - 20:47, 22 January 2010
- A compost pile is actually a fast-track method of changing crude organic materials into something resembling soil, called humus. But the word "humus" is often ...y a complex ecology of biological decomposition organisms.' As raw organic materials are eaten and re-eaten by many, many tiny organisms from bacteria (the smal380 KB (62,788 words) - 19:57, 13 July 2009
- Sulfate of iron (copperas).—A greenish granular crystalline substance. Dissolve one hundred pounds in fifty gallons of wate ...ledge of the insect's habits and life- history, and any intelligent use of materials and apparatus, are essential in any successful effort to control these bud-284 KB (44,920 words) - 08:52, 12 September 2009
- Peat fiber, sphagnum moss and leaf-mold constitute the principal materials of good compost, usually lasting one or two years without renewal, which is ...or reduced to staminodia, united with the pistil; pollen-grains compound, granular, or aggregated into masses (pollinia) which are either free in the anther o157 KB (25,918 words) - 03:57, 24 February 2010