Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. moschatus


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Read about Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. moschatus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hibiscus abelmoschus. Linn. (Abclmdschus moschatus, Moench). Annual or biennial, 2-6 ft., hispid: lvs. various, usually palmately 5-7-lobed, the lobes spreading and oblong-lanceolate and coarsely toothed: bracteoles 6-12, linear, ¾ in. or less long: fls. 4 in. diam., yellow with crimson center; calyx 15-toothed: caps. 3 in. or less long, oblong-lanceolate in outline, setose. India.—Grown in tropical countries for the musk- scented seeds, which are also sometimes used medicinally; also for the fls. Varies greatly, some of the forms having no lobed lvs.

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