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Ampelopsis >

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Read about Ampelopsis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ampelopsis (Greek ampelos, vine, and opsis, likeness). Vitáceae. Ornamental woody vines with handsome deciduous foliage and some species with ornamental fruits, used for covering trellis-work, pergolas, arbors, low walls and the like.

Shrubs, climbing by tendrils: branches with close lenticillate bark and white pith and with tendrils opposite the Lvs. : Lvs. alternate, petioled, simple, lobed, digitate, pinnate or bipinnate: fls. small, greenish, perfect, in dichotomous long-peduncled cymes opposite the Lvs. or terminal; calyx indistinct; petals 5, or rarely 4, expanding; stamens as many as petals, short; ovary 2-celled with a slender style, adnate to a distinct cup- shaped disk, entire or crenulate at the margin: fr. a 1-4-seeded berry.—About 20 species in N. Amer., Cent. and E. Asia. By some botanists united with Vitis, which is easily distinguished, even in the winter state, by its shredding bark and brown pith, also by the paniculate infl. and the petals cohering into a cap and falling off as a whole; more closely related to Parthenocissus, which differs chiefly in its disk-bearing tendrils and the absence of a distinct disk in the fl.; still more closely to Cissus, which differs in the fleshy sts., usually 4-merous fls. and 4-lobed disk. Monogr. by Planchón in De Candolle, Monographiae Phanerogamarum, 5:447-463.

The members of this genus are shrubs, climbing, with twining tendrils, not clinging by disks to its support, of medium height, with variously divided, rarely simple foliage, small greenish flowers, in peduncled cymes, followed by blue or yellow pea-sized berries. Most of the species are hardy North, but A. japónica, A. megalophylla and A. arbórea are only half-hardy, while A. cantoniensis and A. leeoides can be grown only in warmer temperate regions. Page 3565.

They are not particular as to the soil and situation but grow best in fresh and loamy land. Where only a light covering is desired, species like A. japónica, A. aconitifolia and A. arbórea should be planted; A. heterophylla var. amurensis makes a rather dense covering and is well suited for the covering of parapets, low walls and rocks; A. megalophylla is a very strong grower, with bold foliage. Some species, as A. heterophylla and particularly its var. amurensis are very ornamental in autumn with their bright blue profusely produced berries.

Propagation is by seeds and by hardwood or greenwood cuttings. All species may be propagated by cuttings with a good eye, placed in sandy soil under bell-glasses in September.

A. Davidiana, Mott.— Vitis Piasezkii. — A. dumetorum, Hort.- Parthenocissus vitacea. — A. Engelmannii, Hort.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. Engelmannii. — A. Graebneri, Bolle-Parthenpcissus quinquefolia var. hirsuta. — A. hederàcea, DC.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia. — A. Henryana, Hort.-Parthenocissus Henryana. — A. heptaphylla, Buckl.-Parthenocissus heptaphylla. — A. himalayàna, Royle- Parthenocissus himalayana. — A. hirsuta, Don -Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. hirsuta. — A. Hóggii, Hort. Parthenocissus tricuspidata. — A. inconstans, Hort.-Parthenocissus tricuspidata. — A. japónica, Hort.-Parthenocissus tricuspidata. — A. leeoides, Planch. (Vitis leeoides, Maxim.). Allied to A. megalophylla. Lvs. usually pinnate, sometimes the lower lfts. 3-leaves; lfts. 5-7, ovate-oblong, 2-4½ in. long, rounded or broadly cunéate at the base, remotely serrate. S. Japan. Tender. J.H.S. 28:95.96. — A. Lowii, Hort.-Parthenocissus tricuspidata var. Lowii. — A. macrophylla, Hort.-Parthenocissus vitacea var. macrophylla. — A. muralis, Hort.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. murorum. — A. orientalis, Planch. (Vitis Orientalis, Boiss. ). Allied and very similar to A. arbórea: petioles longer; Lvs. ovate-elliptic, quite glabrous: petals and stamens 4. Orient. G. C. 1871 : 1615. — A. pubescent, Schlecht. Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. hirsuta. — A. Quinquéfolía, Michx.- Parthenocissus quinquefolia. — A. radicantissima, Schelle - Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. murorum.— A. radicantissima. Hort.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. hirsuta. — A. Roylei, Hort.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. murorum and P. tri- cuspidata. — A . St. Paulii, Hort.-Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. St. Paulii. — A. sempervirens, Hort.-Cissus striata. — A. Thomsonii, Hort.-Parthenocissus Thomsonii. — A. tricuspidata and A. Veitchii, Hort.-Parthenocissus tricuspidata. — A. virginiana, Hort.- Parthenocissus quinquefolia.

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