Buddleja davidii


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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davidii >

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Read about Buddleja davidii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Buddleia davidii, Franch. (B. varidbilis, Hemsl.). Fig. 675. Three to 8 ft.: Lvs. nearly sessile, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, coarsely serrate, whitish- tomentose beneath, 4-10 in. long: fls. in dense, terminal, erect or nodding panicles, 4-6 in. long or in some varieties longer; corolla lilac, with orange-yellow mouth, glabrous outside. Aug., Sept. China. B.M. 7609. R.H. 1898:132; 1902, p. 383. G.C. Ill, 24:139. Gn. 55:428; 64, p. 153. M.D.G. 1908:136.—A very handsome species with showy and fragrant fls. appearing in great profusion in late summer; several varieties differing from the type which has rather lax panicles of lilac-purple fls. with an orange eye not very marked, by larger and denser panicles and brighter color. Var. Veitchiana, Rehd. (B. variabilis var. Veitchiana, Hort.). More robust, erect at first, later gracefully arching, with denser and larger clusters of bright mauve-colored fls. with a bright orange eye; begins to bloom early in Aug. J.H.S. 27:182. J.H. 111.45:381. G.M. 51:45. G.W. 16, p. 538. Var. magnifica, Rehd. & Wilson (B. variabilis var. magnifica, Wilson). Similar to the preceding: has larger deep rose-purple -fls. with deep orange eye and the margin of the petals reflexed, panicles very dense; begins to bloom about the middle of Aug. Gn. 68, p. 161; 69:288. R.B. 33:281. F.S.R. 3, p. 339. G.M. 52:668. Var. superba, Rehd. & Wilson (B. variabilis var. superba, DeCorte). Color of fls. like the preceding variety but petals not reflexed at the margin and panicles larger. R.B. 35:12. Var. Willsonii, Rehd. & Wilson (B. variabilis var. Willsonii, Hort.). Tall and arching, with longer and narrower lys.: panicles drooping, rather loose, sometimes attaining 30 in. length; corolla smaller, bright rose-lilac with bright orange eye; corolla-lobes half upright and reflexed at the margin: in full bloom through Sept., the latest of all. There are also other named varieties.

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