Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana


Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana, Parlatore (Cupressus Lawsoniana, Murr. C. Boursieri, Decne.). Lawson's Cypress. Tree, to 200 ft., with horizontally spreading and usually pendulous branches: branchlets frond-like arranged, flattened: lvs. closely appressed, obtuse or somewhat acute, usually bright green, with a gland on the back: staminate catkins bright red (yellow in all other species): cone globose, about 1/3in. across, red-brown and often glaucous. From Ore. to Calif. S.S. 10:531. Gng. 2:327. S.M. 2, p. 49. F.E. 23:309; 33:559. G.W. 10, p. 42. Beissner 541. G. 1:121; 7:129.—This is one of the most beautiful conifers and very variable, about 80 garden forms being cult, in European nurseries and collections. The following are some of the best: Var. albo-spica, Beissn. Tips of branchlets creamy white, of slender habit. Var. Alumii, Beissn. Of columnar habit, foliage very glaucous, with a bluish metallic hue. The best blue columnar form. Var. argentea, Beissn. (Cupressus Lawsoniana argentea, Gord.). Of slender habit, with very glaucous, almost silvery foliage. Var. erecta viridis, Beissn. Dense, columnar habit and bright green foliage. One of the most beautiful varieties, but somewhat tender. G.W. 14, p. 601. M.D.G. 1909:45. G.M.51: 511. F. 1871, p. 92. Var. erecta glauca, Beissn. Similar in habit, but with glaucous foliage. Var. filiformis, Beissn. Branches elongated, somewhat pendulous, with few lateral branchlets, of low, globular habit. Var. glauca, Beissn. Foliage of metallic glaucous tint. One of the hardier forms. G.M.53:832. Var. gracilis, Beissn. (var. gracilis pendula, Hort.). Elegant light green form, with graceful, pendulous branchlets. Var. intertexta, Beissn. Glaucous form, of vigorous growth, with remote, pendulous branches and distant, thickish branchleta. Beissner 550. Var. lutea, Beissn. Of compact habit, young growth clear yellow. G.C. III. 20:721. J.H.S. 1902, p. 426, fig. 110. Var. nana, Beissn. (C. Boursieri nana, Carr.). Dwarf, globose habit (Beissner 553), with some variegated and glaucous forms. Var. pendula, Beissn. With pendulous branches. Mn. 1:43. F.E. 27:187. Gt. 1890, p. 449. Var. pyramidalis, P. Smith. Of columnar habit. Var. pyramidalis alba, Beissn. Of columnar habit with the young growth colored white. R.B. 4:281. Var. Weisseana, Hansen. Low dense form of umbrella-like habit with almost horizontally spreading branches and nodding tips. M.D.G. 1890:245. S.M.1, p. 214. Var. Youngii, Beissn. Upright form of vigorous growth with thickish dark green branchlets. G. C. III. 1:176, 177. CH

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