
Cornus suecica

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Cornaceae >

Read about Cornaceae in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Cornaceae (from the genus Cornus, derived from the Latin horn, referring to the hardness of the wood). Dogwood Family. Trees or shrubs, rarely herbs: leaves opposite or alternate, entire, exstipulate: flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, regular, epigynous; sepals 4, minute or absent; petals 4, usually valvate; stamens commonly of same number as petals and alternate with them, separate; epigynous disk usually present; ovary inferior, 2-celled, rarely l-10-celled; ovules in each cell 1, rarely 2: fruit a drupe or berry.

The 15 genera and about 120 species, of which 45 species belong to the genus Cornus, are distributed in the temperate portions of the northern hemisphere, principally in North America and Asia; some, however, occur in South Africa and New Zealand. The relationships of the family are doubtful. Cornus is related to the Caprifoliaceae, but some other genera suggest the Araliaceae. The woody or sub-ligneous habit, 4-merous, polypetalous, epigynous flowers and the berry-like fruit with one seed in each cell are distinctive.

Many species of Cornus have capitate flowers surrounded by a large petaloid involucre (e.g., Cornus mas, C. florida, C. canadensis). C. canadensis and C. suecica are herbaceous dogwoods. Helwingia rusciflora, of China and Japan, is a most remarkable plant with flowers borne at the center of the leaf-blade attached to the midrib on the upper side.

The acid fruits of C. mas are edible, and are used as a sherbet in the East. Those of C. capitata of the Himalayas have a flavor like strawberries and are eaten. Many Cornaceae are ornamental woody plants.

Several genera are in cultivation here, of which maybe mentioned: Cornus (Dogwood, Osier Dogwood); Aucuba, from Japan; Garrya from southern United States; Griselinia from New Zealand; Nyssa (Sour Gum, Pepperidge, Tupelo) from the eastern United States. Garrya, Nyssa and others have been separated by some into other families.CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


Cornaceae sensu stricto
    Cornus -- dogwood
    (Nyssa -- tupelo)
    (Camptotheca -- happy tree)
    (Davidia -- dove tree)

The genus Griselinia formerly often included in the Cornaceae, is now placed in its own family, Griseliniaceae.wp

The genus Aucuba, formerly often included in the Cornaceae, has now been transferred to the family Garryaceae.wp


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