Crambe cordifolia

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Crambe >

Read about Crambe in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Crambe (old Greek substantive). Cruciferae. Herbs or sub-shrubs, one grown in the vegetable-garden, and one or two in the hardy herbary.

Annuals, biennials or perennials, with thickened sts., and more or less fleshy lvs., glaucous: lvs. mostly large, more or less cut, lyrate or pinnatifid : fls. small, white, fragrant, in panicled racemes: fr. 2-jointed, indehiscent, the lower joint st.-like and seedless, the upper one globular and 1-seeded. — About 20 species in Eu., Asia, and 1 in Patagonia. Of easy cult.

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  • C. juncea, Bieb. Biennial: small species with white fls. in an attractively slender-branched panicle. Iberia.CH
  • C. Katschyana, Boiss. Perennial: lvs. somewhat hairy, the radical ones cordatc- ovatewith rounded dentate lobes, the st.-lvs. few, ovate-oblong, lobecl. W. Asia. CH
  • C. tatarica, Jacq. Perennial, said to be grown in Hungary as "Tartarian bread." Glaucous, more or less rough-hairy: radical lvs. decompound, with linear segms. Hungary, E.CH


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