
Darwinia leiostyla

Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Myrtaceae >

Darwinia >

Read about Darwinia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Darwinia (Dr. Erasmus Darwin, an English nature-student). Myrtaceae. About 40 Australian evergreen shrubs, a very few of which are sometimes grown for the colored flower-like campanulate involucres that hold their condition 3-5 months; not in the American trade. Lvs. few and usually heath-like: fls. small, inclosed in petal-like bracts at the summit of the branches; calyx-lobes 5; petals 5; stamens 10, alternating with staminodia; ovary 1-celled, the fr. 1-seeded. The darwinias prop. from well-ripened tips of side shoots taken in early autumn or in spring. They require greenhouse or intermediate temperatures. D. Hookeriana, Benth. (Genetyllis fuchsioides, Hort.). Lvs. linear-oblong, ½ in. long, scattered: sts. red: inner bracts of hanging involucre 1 in. long, bright red, the outer ones shorter and greenish and passing into the st.-lvs.: fls. small, greenish white, usually about 6 in each involucre. B.M. 4860 (as Genetyllis macrostegia). D. macrostegia, Benth. Lvs. elliptic-oblong, ¾ in. or less long, scattered: inner bracts 1½ in. long, creamy white with red splashes and stripes, the outer ones shorter and more colored, the lowest ones passing into the foliage. B.M. 4858 (as Genetyllis tulipifera). CH

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