Iris susiana


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Iris susiana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Iris susiana, Linn. Mourning Iris. Fig. 1969. Lvs. very glaucous, 6-9 in. long, nearly 1 in. broad: outer segms. obovate, 3 in. long, brownish purple, veined and spotted with black-brown, with a brown beard; inner segms. brownish white, spotted with violet-brown and black. Asia Minor and Persia. B.M. 91. F.S. 11:1087, 1088. R.H. 1859, pp. 322, S23. Gn. 32, p. 193; 39:340; 66, p. 173(7). G. 1:136, 264; 33:203. G.C. III. 51:20. Gn.M. 10:120. Gn.W. 23:426, suppl. A.F. 16:1375.—The best known of this group. Said to have been intro. from Constantinople in 1753. Name from a city in Persia. Not entirely hardy N., but a good pot-plant. var. major, Hort. Bluish, tinted brown.

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