

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Lueddemannia >

Read about Lueddemannia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lueddemannia (Herr Lueddemann). Orchidaceae. A small group of S. American orchids, allied to Cycnoches, but resembling Acineta in habit and requiring treatment similar to the acinetas: sepals oblong and acute, arched; petals cuneate-oblong and acute; ovary pubescent or velvety; fls. handsome, very many on a pendulous peduncle.

L.Lehmannii Reichb. f. (Cycnochos Lehmannii, Reirhb.f.). Lvs.long and petioled acute; pseudobulbs furrowed, pyriform, 6 or 7 in.long; fls.20-30, wax-like, orange-yellow; sepals copper-colored on exterior. Colombia.-L. Pescatorei, Reichb. f.(Cycnoches Pescatorei, Lindl.&Paxt.). Lvs.lanceolate, glaucous, leathery;fls. 30-50, about 1 ¾ in. diam., sepals orange-brown; petals and lip deep tallow, the disk hairy: peduncle 3ft.Colombia. B.M.7123.-L.Sanderiana, Kranzl.- Lacaena bicolor.-L. triloba, Rolfe. Pseudobulbs and lvs. smaller than in two preceding, the lvs. about 1 ft. long and the ovoid pseudoubulb about 2 ½ in. long; fls.deep orange-yellow, the peduncle short (about 6 in.);lip marked with chocolate-red; sepals with a crimson fiush. Andes.-L.Vyrereana Schlecht, Allied to L.Pescatorei,but lip with a longer claw and different shape, with a smaller basal callus, and a less prominent thickening in middle of the blade . Peru.

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