Mertensia primuloides


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Mertensia >

primuloides >

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Read about Mertensia primuloides in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Mertensia primuloides, Clarke. Dwarf, the st. about 3-6 in. long and very leafy below, hairy: lvs. small, elliptic or lanceolate, the lower ones very short-petioled: fls. about ½ in. across, indigo-blue passing into white and yellow, on very short pedicels in few-fld. dense short racemes, the corolla-tube twice longer than calyx, the throat bearing distinct scales. High Himalayas. Gn. 69, p. 319. F.S.R. 1:246. Var. chitralensis, Hort., has larger and more deeply colored fls. N. W. India.

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Pests and diseases




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