

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Mesospinidium >

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Read about Mesospinidium in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Mesospinidium (Greek compound; meaning obscure). Orchidaceae. Plants with the habit of a slender odontoglossum, with sheathing leaves at the base of the pseudobulbs.

Flowers in racemes on panicles; sepals and petals sub-similar, expanded; labellum with 2 longitudinal ridges, adnate to the column, with rounded lateral lobes and a narrow middle lobe: column long or short; pollinia 2, seated on a rhomboid pedicel. These plants are evergreen coolhouse orchids, and thrive well in baskets of peat and moss, with plenty of water. The plants cult. as Mesospinidium are referred by some to the genus Cochlioda. Mesospinidium has about 5 species, of which the following is often cult.

M. vulcanicum, Reichb. f., is described as Cochlioda vulcanica (Vol. II, p. 809), its proper name.

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