Nicotiana wigandioides


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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wigandioides >

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Read about Nicotiana wigandioides in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Nicotiana wigandioides, Koch. Herbaceous, perennial, of shrubby habit, glandular-pubescent: st. erect, 6-9 ft. tall, somewhat branching below: Lvs. petiolate, ovate, acuminate, undulate: inn. paniculate; fls. pedicelled, drooping; calyx campanulate, teeth unequal, acuminate, glandular-pubescent; corolla salverform. yellowish white; limb somewhat reflexed; lobes broadly ovate, cuspidate; stamens included, filaments tomentose at base; style clavate; stigma green; ovary conical, ring fleshy, reddish, surrounding the base. Sent to the Cracow Botanical Garden from Colombia about 1852 by Warseewicz. B.H. 23:331.—A very striking plant for bold tropical effects.

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