Odontoglossum tripudians


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Odontoglossum tripudians in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Odontoglossum tripudians, Reichb. f. & Warscz. Lvs. 7-9 in. long, linear-lanceolate: raceme stiff, erect, longer than the Lvs., 8-10-fld.; fls. 2 in. across, dull yellow-green on the back; sepals oblong-acute or subacuminate, dark brown, with yellowish green tips and bases; petals similar, with yellowish bands; labellum short, panduriform, as long as the segms., white, with rose-colored blotches, with about 10 keels radiating from the disk; lateral lobes rounded, crenulate; central lobe subreniform, erose-dentate. Peru. B.M. 6029. P.M. 1876:208; 1880:407. O. 1909, p. 28.

Var. harryanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals almost blackish inside, tipped with light yellow, with a few similar marks at the base of the petal; labellum light yellow, with the base covered with rich mauve purple.

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