

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Orthrosanthus >

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Read about Orthrosanthus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Orthrosanthus (Greek, morning flower; because the fls. open in the morning and fade before noon). Iridaceae. Small plants for indoor use, listed with dealers among bulbs, bearing bright flowers on a scape arising from the clump of narrow leaves.

Orthrosanthus is a genus of 9 or 10 species, from Trop. or extra-Trop. Amer. and Austral. Rootstock short: Lvs. firm, linear, equitant: clusters many-fld., panicled; fls. pale blue; pedicels so short that the caps, is not protruded from the spathe; perianth-tube very short or none; segms. oblong, nearly equal, spreading; filaments free or connate only at the base; ovary 3-celled; ovules many, superposed; style-branches alternating with the anthers: seeds minute. Very near Sisyrinchium which is a more variable genus, and has longer pedicels.

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