Phaseolus lunatus

Lima beans

Plant Characteristics
Origin: [[Origin::Andeswp]]
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Fabaceae >

Phaseolus >

lunatus >

Phaseolus lunatus is a legume. It is grown for its seed, which is eaten as a vegetable. It is commonly known as the lima bean or butter bean, it is also known as Haba bean, Pallar bean, Burma bean, Guffin bean, Hibbert bean, Java bean, Sieva bean, Rangood bean, Madagascar bean, Paiga, Paigya, prolific bean, civet bean and sugar bean.

Read about Phaseolus lunatus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Phaseolus lunatus, Linn. Sieva or Civet Bean. Small and slender, usually not climbing very high: lfts. thin, short and broad, ovate pointed (except in special forms as the Willow-leaf): fls. of medium size, wings and keel white or whitish, banner greenish, containing chloro-phyl, of different texture from the wings and keel, in axillary racemes: pods small and papery, 2-3 in. long, much curved on the back and provided with a long tip, spliting open when ripe and the valves twisting;beans small and flat,white, brown or mottled, conspicuous lines radiating from the hilum, more than 1/2in. long: primary lvs. not lobed, in form ovate or cordate, bases deeply auriculate, upper surfaces smooth and somewhat shiny, their petioles almost perfectly glabrous. Trop. Amer.—Widely cult, in warm countries, and prized for its earliness and prolificacy. It gives rise to dwarf or bush forms, as the Dwarf Carolina, Henderson Bush Lima. Common in American gardens Var. macrocarpus, Benth. (P. inamaenus, Linn. P.limensis, P. saccharatus, P. foecundus, P. latisiliquus, Macfadyen. P. puberulus, HBK. P. Xuarezii, Zucc.). Lima Bean. Figs. 2898, 2899. Distinguished from the Sievas by tall, robust growth and late ripening: lfts. large and thick, ovate- lanceolate: pods fewer to the raceme, straight or nearly so, without a prominent tip, not readily splitting at maturity; beans very large, white, red, black, or speckled. S. Amer.—Widely grown in the tropics, and one of the richest of beans. Unreliable in the northern states because of the short, cool seasons. There are 2 forms cult, in the U. S.: Flat or Large-seeded limas, with seeds very flat and veiny and more or less lunate in shape, and very broad flat pods, with a distinct but not prominent point, and broad ovate lfts.: Potato limas, with smaller tumid seeds, shorter ana thicker pods, with a very short point, and long-ovate, tapering lfts., with angular base. In both these groups there are dwarf or bush forms,—Burpee Dwarf Lima in the former, and Kumerle Dwarf Lima in the latter. The lima bean is perennial in the tropics. See Bean, Lima. CH

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