Picea alcoquiana


Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Picea >

alcoquiana >

Read about Picea alcoquiana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Picea alcoquiana (Picea bicolor, Mayr. P. Alcockiana, Carr., partly. P. Alcockiana nova, Hort. Abies bicolor, Maxim.). Tree, 80-150 ft., with rather stiff, spreading branches: bark grayish brown: young branches dull yellowish brown, glabrous, usually only leading shoots pubescent: lvs. somewhat curved, with 2 bluish lines above, dark green beneath, sharply acuminate,1/2 -3/4 in. long: cones oblong, brown, purple before ripening, 3-4 in. long; scales obovate, finely denticulate and slightly wavy at the often recurved margin. Japan. Handsome tree, with less slender branches than P. jezoensis and of more rapid growth. Var. acicularis, Shirasawa (P. acicasaris, Maxim. P. japonica, Regel). Branchlets finely pubescent: lvs. curved, acute, bluish white above: cones light reddish brown, with entire not wavy scales. Cent. Japan. M.D. 1914:257. Var. reflexa, Shirasawa. Branchlets pubescent, light brown: lvs. more or less curved, acute, bluish white above, about 1/2.in. long: cones light reddish brown; scales nearly entire, not wavy, at the apex slightly attenuate and recurved. Cent. Japan. CH

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