Quercus laurifolia


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Read about Quercus laurifolia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Quercus laurifolia, Michx. Laurel Oak. Tree, to 60, occasionally to 100 ft., with comparatively slender branches forming a dense, round-topped head: lvs. oblong or oblong-obovate, sometimes slightly lobed, acute or rarely obtusish, dark green and shining above, light green and puberulous at first, glabrous at length below, 2-6 in. long: fr. short-stalked; acorn ovoid or subglobose, about 1/2in. long, embraced one-fourth by the saucer-shaped cup. Va. to Fla. and La. S.S. 8:429, 430. F.E. 16:396 (pl. 62).— Handsome tree with almost half-evergreen glossy foliage, often planted as avenue tree in the southern and Gulf States; a particularly good form of this species is in the trade as "Darlington oak." Not hardy N.

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