

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Read about Rauwolfeia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Rauwolfeia (named for Leonhart Rauwolf, a physician of Augsburg in the sixteenth century). Apocyna- ceae. Trees or shrubs, mostly glabrous, sparingly grown, suitable for the warmhouse and outdoor planting in the far southern parts of the United States.

Leaves opposite or verticillate, those of a whorl often very unequal: infl. terminal or pseudo-axillary, peduncled, few- or many-fld., compound, umbeUiform or corymbose, rarely racemose; fls. small; sepals 5, almost free or united into a flat 5-toothed cup; corolla salver-shaped, lobes 5, twisted and overlapping to the left; disk annular or cup-shaped, entire or slightly lobed; carpels 2, free or more or less coherent: drupes 2, distinct or somewhat united.—About 60 species from the tropics of both hemispheres.

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