
Santolina chamaecyparissus

Plant Characteristics
Habit   shrub
Features: evergreen
Scientific Names

Asteraceae >

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Santolina is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region. Between five and 24 species are accepted by different authorities.Template:Fact

The species are small evergreen shrubs growing to 10-60 cm tall. The leaves are simple and minute in some species, or pinnate, finely divided in other species, and often densely silvery hairy. The flowers are yellow, produced in dense globose capitulae (flowerheads) 1-2 cm diameter on top of slender stems held 10-25 cm above the foliage.

Read about Santolina in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Santolina (derivation of name doubtful). Often, but incorrectly spelled Sanctolina. Compositae. Shrubs or rarely herbs, natives of Eu. and Asia, mostly in the Medit. region, sometimes grown in the open for ornament.

Leaves alternate, aromatic; margins tuberculously dentate or pinnately lobed, often finely divided: fl.- heads yellow or rarely white, of disk-fls. only, many-fld.; involucre mostly campanulate, squarrose, imbricated, appressed.—About 8 species.

Santolina is valuable for its distinct foliage and is used in the South for specimen planting and in the North for summer bedding and borders. Cuttings for the latter purpose are usually taken in the spring from plants wintered in a frame but may be taken before frost in the fall. They are easily rooted in sand.

S. alpina, Linn., is Anthemis montana, Linn., which makes a pretty ground-cover and has yellow fls., but appears not to be in the trade.—S. viridis, Willd. An erect shrub: branches leafless: lvs. in 4 vertical ranks, toothed: involucral scales lanceolate. S. Eu. G. 36:25. CH

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