Saxifraga aizoides


Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Saxifraga aizoides in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Saxifraga aizoides, Linn. (Leptasea aizoides, Haw.). Loosely cespitose, 2-6 in. high, with decumbent or ascending, foliose, glabrous or sparsely very short pilose caudicles which are branched from the base: lvs. green or reddish, the lower linear or linear-oblong, mucronate, flat below, above slightly convex, glabrous or more or less rigid-ciliate; the upper rather remote, smaller, oblong, rather obtuse, rarely ovate: infl. 1-fld., often many-fld., racemose, borne near the top of the st. on axillary peduncles: fls. yellow, more or less spotted with orange; calyx-lobes oblong-triangular, obtuse, spreading; petals oblong, 1-nerved, 1 1/2 times as long as the calyx-lobes. June-Aug. Eu., Asia, arctic Amer., south to Gulf of St. Lawrence, mountains of N. Vt., W. N. Y., and the Lake Superior region. B.B. 2:171; (ed. 2) 2:217. (The Rocky Mt. form has been segregated as S. Van-Bruntiae, Small.)—Usually found in stony places where there is trickling water. Very easy to grow and may be divided almost any time. Var. aurantiaca, Hort., is a form with the fls. described as of "old- gold passing off to a kind of coppery red." Var. atrorubens, Engl. (S. atrorubens, Bert.). Lvs. stiffly spinulose-ciliate: fls. rich crimson (Engler says orange- red or cinnamon-colored). Cent. Eu. CH

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