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Ipomoea macrorhiza, Michx. (I. michauxii, Sweet. I. jalapa, Pursh, in Bot. Mag. 1813, not Pursh's description, 1814). Sts. perennial from a thickened woody root, trailing or climbing 6-8 ft. high, springing from an oblong root weighing 4-30 pounds: foliage whitish with a soft tomentulose pubescence; lvs. entire, repand, or lobed, 3-5 in. long, ovate-cordate, membranaceous, veiny: peduncles 1-5-fld.; sepals very unequal, the inner ones ½ in. long and twice as long as the outer ones; fls. about 3 in. long, cream-colored, with a magenta throat. S. C. to Fla. and Mex. B.R. 342. —A very ornamental warmhouse climber and valuable for the garden if the tubers are started in the greenhouse before being set out; otherwise the plant seldom blooms much before frost. The "Jalap" of commerce does not come from this plant, but from I. Purga. The roots of I. macrorhiza are but slightly purgative.
Moonflower, Big Root
Moonflower, Big Root
