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#REDIRECT [[Ipomoea tricolor]]
#REDIRECT [[Ipomoea tricolor]]
Ipomoea tuba, Schlecht. (I. latifolia, R. & S. I. ventricosa, Don. I. grandiflora, Lam. Calonyclion grandiflorum, Choisy). A stout, twining, perennial, woody vine: foliage glabrous or nearly so; lvs. ovate, cordate, 5-10 in. broad, thickish in texture: fls. white, funnelform, about 4 in. long: caps, large, 1 in. diam. with an operculate dehiscence. Amer. Trop.—Some of the inferior strains passing as I. bona-nox and its synonyms belong here. Not a proliferous flowerer, and in cult, rarely successful.
