
Created page with '{{Inc| Iris cengialti, Ambrosi. Lvs. ensiform, yellowish green, glaucous, 6 in. long, ½ in. broad: sts. 6-12 in. long, usually exceeding the lvs., 1-3-headed: spathes 2-fld., 1 …'
Iris cengialti, Ambrosi. Lvs. ensiform, yellowish green, glaucous, 6 in. long, ½ in. broad: sts. 6-12 in. long, usually exceeding the lvs., 1-3-headed: spathes 2-fld., 1 in. long, brown-scarious in the bud but not silvery white like those of I. pallida: fls. bright lilac; outer segms. obovate-cuneate, veined with brown- purple on the pale claw, with a beard of white orange- tipped hairs; inner segms. obovate, short-clawed. Lombardy, S. Tyrol.—A dwarf species closely allied to I. pallida.
