
Created page with '{{Inc| Iris halophila, Pall. (I. gueldenstaedliana, Lepech.). Lvs. pale green, 1-1 ½ ft. long: st. stout, terete, 1 ½ - 2 ft. long, often bearing 1-2 spicate clusters below the…'
Iris halophila, Pall. (I. gueldenstaedliana, Lepech.). Lvs. pale green, 1-1 ½ ft. long: st. stout, terete, 1 ½ - 2 ft. long, often bearing 1-2 spicate clusters below the end one: limb pale yellow; outer segms. with an orbicular blade ½ -3/4 in. broad, shorter than the claw, which has a bright yellow keel and faint lilac veins; inner segms. shorter, erect. Asia. B.M. 1515 (7. spuria var. stenogyna, Ker).
