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|image_caption=Iris cultivar 'Mary Todd'
|image_caption=Iris cultivar 'Mary Todd'
Of some of the names, found in catalogues, no complete description in available: I. amas, Hort. Germanica group.—I. angustina. Deep yellow, marked with maroon. Garden form of I. variegata.—I. angustissima, Hort. Fls. dark purple.—I. brachysiphon. Pale blue. Rhisomatous.—I. britannica. Pale pink, with the outer segms. veined with purple. Garden form of I. squalens.—I. brooksiana, Hort. Mauve-purple.—I. candiana. Outer segms, reddish Purple; inner segms. light lavender. Germanica.—I. coreana. Like I sibirica, early and a free bloomer.—I. edina. Light purple and violet. var. of I. neglecta.—I. fisheri. Apogon.—I. gladstoniana. Hybrid of I. atropurpurea. Pale black, with yellow markings. —I. gracilis, Lichten.=Moraea tenuis. See also index, p. 1668.— I. gualdii, Hort.—I. ignititia, probably Ignacite. a form of I. neglecta. Lilac, with the outer segms, shaded purple.—I. ligularis. Purple. Germanica.—I. macrantha, Hort. Germanica.—I. nigricans. lvs. short ensiform: fls. dull black to deep black. Distinct from I. atropurpurea by its uniform dark color and dwarf foliage. Oncocyclus.—I. pancrea, probably pancrace, var. of I. variegata. Buff and purple.—I. robinsoniana, F. Muell.=Moraea robinsoniana.—I. rudinii, Hort., Herb. Fls. black-brown and claret. Said to be stronger and more free-flowering than the other oncocyclus irises.—I. tuberosa, Linn.=Hermodactylus tuberosus- I. vogeliana. Similar to I. persica and I. rosenbochiana, but earlier-flowering. Fls. variable in color, silver-gray predominating, with violet, rose or lilac markings. var. grandiflora. Large-flowering.
The following are garden hybrids, sometimes cult.: I. interregna =1. germanica X I. pumila. Several color vars., pale yellow, citron, lavender, and claret-red: fl.-sts. 18 in. high, holding the fls. well above the lvs. —I. monspur, Foster=I. monnieri X I. spuria. Said to be very ornamental.—I. ochro-aurea or ochaurea, Foster=I. orientalis X I. aurea. Outer segms, rich yellow with a cream-colored border; inner segms erect, yellowish, bilobed at the apex. 5 ft. —I. paravar or I. parvar Foster=I. paradoxa X I. variegata, Sts. 2-fld.: fls. dark purple with the bases of the segms, pale brown with darker markings. G.C. III. 29:398.—I. sindpers, Van Tubergen=I. sindjarensis X I. persica. Intermediate between the parents in foliage and general habit. Free-flowering: fls. blue like those of I. sindjarensis but lacking the conspicuous patch at the apex of the outer segms.
The following species are sometimes cult: I. gracilipes. Gray. Rootstock slender, wide-creeping: lvs. finally 1 ft. long, 1I2in. broad: st. 8-10 in. high, forked once or twice: spathes of a single, membranous, scarious valve which reaches about the top of the tube, 1-fld.: fls. purple or lilac; outer segms. obovate-cuneate, deeply emarginate, about 1 in. long, white in the middle, veined with purple and bearing a yellow crest; inner segms. oblanceolate emarginate, smaller, uniformly colored. Japan. B.M. 7926.—A small pretty iris of the Evansia group.—I. purdyi, Eastwood. Rootstock thin and wiry: lvs. 1 ft. long and 1/3- ½ in. wide, thick, sub-erect: st. 4-6 in. long, entirely covered by the short inflated bracts: spathe-valves 1 ½- 2in. long, inflated, the outer slightly keeled: fls. pale straw-yellow; tube ¼ -1 ½ in.long; outer segms. broadly lanceolate, veined with brownish purple; inner segms, lanceolate, spreading, faintly veined. Gt. 35:1222 (as I. douglasiana). —An iris of the apogon group closely related to I. bracteata from which it differs by the long linear perianth-tube.—I. tenuis, Wats. Rootstock slender, wide-creeping: lvs. thin, ensiform, 1 ft. long, ½ in. broad: st. equaling the lvs.. branched: spathe-valves scarious, 1 in. long, 1-fld.: outer segms. oblong-spatulate, white, yellow at the throat and marked with purple veins; inner segms. smaller, erect, emarginate. Ore. G.F. 1:6. Apogon.—Rare, found only in Ore., and not in cult, except possibly in collections.
Two Chinese species recently offered in England are I. bulleyana, Dykes. Foliage grass-like: fls. described as of pretty form though not striking, deep blue: standards blue-purple and falls mottled with same color on creamy ground.—I. forrestii Dykes. Lvs. grassy, linear, 12 in., glaucous beneath: sts. numerous, about 12 in.: spathes green, with 1 or 2 fls.: falls with veins of dark red or purple-brown; blade drooping, pale lemon-yellow, sometimes with purplish veins. G.C. IIL 47:418.
Heinrich Hasselbrinq.
'''''Iris''''' is a [[genus]] of between 200–300 [[species]] of [[flowering plant]]s with showy [[flower]]s. It takes its name from the [[Greek language|Greek]] word for a [[rainbow]], referring to the wide variety of flower colors found among the many species.<ref name=Goldblatt2008>{{cite book |author=Manning, John; Goldblatt, Peter |title=The Iris Family: Natural History & Classification |publisher=Timber Press |location=Portland, Oregon|pages=200–204 |year=2008|isbn=0-88192-897-6}}</ref> As well as being the scientific name, ''iris'' is also very widely used as a common name; for one thing, it refers to all ''Iris'' species, though some plants called thus belong to other closely related genera. In North America, a common name for irises is 'flags', while the plants of the [[subgenus]] ''[[Scorpiris]]'' are widely known as '[[Juno (plant)|juno]]s', particularly in [[horticulture]]. It is a popular garden flower in the United States.
'''''Iris''''' is a [[genus]] of between 200–300 [[species]] of [[flowering plant]]s with showy [[flower]]s. It takes its name from the [[Greek language|Greek]] word for a [[rainbow]], referring to the wide variety of flower colors found among the many species.<ref name=Goldblatt2008>{{cite book |author=Manning, John; Goldblatt, Peter |title=The Iris Family: Natural History & Classification |publisher=Timber Press |location=Portland, Oregon|pages=200–204 |year=2008|isbn=0-88192-897-6}}</ref> As well as being the scientific name, ''iris'' is also very widely used as a common name; for one thing, it refers to all ''Iris'' species, though some plants called thus belong to other closely related genera. In North America, a common name for irises is 'flags', while the plants of the [[subgenus]] ''[[Scorpiris]]'' are widely known as '[[Juno (plant)|juno]]s', particularly in [[horticulture]]. It is a popular garden flower in the United States.
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* ''[[Iris albertii]]''
* ''[[Iris albertii]]''
* ''[[Iris albicans]]'' &ndash; [[White Cemetery Iris]], White Flag Iris
* ''[[Iris albicans]]'' [[White Cemetery Iris]], White Flag Iris
* ''[[Iris amoena]]'' <small>DC.</small> (= ''I. variegata''?)
* ''[[Iris amoena]]'' <small>DC.</small> (= ''I. variegata''?)
* ''[[Iris aphylla]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Stool Iris]] (including ''I. benacensis''<!-- A.Kern. -->, ''I. nudicaulis''<!-- Reich. -->)
* ''[[Iris aphylla]]'' <small>L.</small> [[Stool Iris]] (including ''I. benacensis''<!-- A.Kern. -->, ''I. nudicaulis''<!-- Reich. -->)
* ''[[Iris attica]]'' <small>(Boiss. & Heldr.) Hayek</small>
* ''[[Iris attica]]'' <small>(Boiss. & Heldr.) Hayek</small>
* ''[[Iris × buriensis]]'' <small>Lem.</small>
* ''[[Iris × buriensis]]'' <small>Lem.</small>
* ''[[Iris croatica]]''
* ''[[Iris croatica]]''
* ''[[Iris cypriana]]'' <small>Foster & Baker</small>
* ''[[Iris cypriana]]'' <small>Foster & Baker</small>
* ''[[Iris flavescens]]'' <small>Delile</small><!-- non Kummer & Sendtner non DC --> &ndash; [[Lemon-yellow Iris]] (= ''I. variegata''?)
* ''[[Iris flavescens]]'' <small>Delile</small><!-- non Kummer & Sendtner non DC --> [[Lemon-yellow Iris]] (= ''I. variegata''?)
* ''[[Iris furcata]]'' <small>Bieb.</small>
* ''[[Iris furcata]]'' <small>Bieb.</small>
* ''[[Iris germanica]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; German Iris (includes ''I. × barbata'')
* ''[[Iris germanica]]'' <small>L.</small> German Iris (includes ''I. × barbata'')
**  ''Iris × germanica'' nothovar. ''florentina'' <small>Dykes</small>
**  ''Iris × germanica'' nothovar. ''florentina'' <small>Dykes</small>
* ''[[Iris glaucescens]]'' <small>Bunge</small>
* ''[[Iris glaucescens]]'' <small>Bunge</small>
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* ''[[Iris lutescens]]'' <small>Lam.</small> (including ''I. italica''<!-- Parl. -->)
* ''[[Iris lutescens]]'' <small>Lam.</small> (including ''I. italica''<!-- Parl. -->)
* ''[[Iris marsica]]'' <small>I.Ricci & Colas.</small>
* ''[[Iris marsica]]'' <small>I.Ricci & Colas.</small>
* ''[[Iris mesopotamica]]'' &ndash; [[Mesopotamian Iris]]
* ''[[Iris mesopotamica]]'' [[Mesopotamian Iris]]
* ''[[Iris orjenii]]'' &ndash; [[Orjen Iris]]
* ''[[Iris orjenii]]'' [[Orjen Iris]]
* ''[[Iris pallida]]'' &ndash; [[Sweet Iris]], Dalmatian Iris
* ''[[Iris pallida]]'' [[Sweet Iris]], Dalmatian Iris
* ''[[Iris perrieri]]'' <small>Simonet ex P.Fourn.</small>
* ''[[Iris perrieri]]'' <small>Simonet ex P.Fourn.</small>
* ''[[Iris pseudopumila]]'' <small>Tineo</small><!-- non Janka, that is I. pumila -->
* ''[[Iris pseudopumila]]'' <small>Tineo</small><!-- non Janka, that is I. pumila -->
* ''[[Iris pumila]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris pumila]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris purpureobractea]]'' <small>B.Mathew & T.Baytop</small>
* ''[[Iris purpureobractea]]'' <small>B.Mathew & T.Baytop</small>
* ''[[Iris reichenbachii]]'' <small>Heuff.</small> &ndash; [[Reichenbach's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris reichenbachii]]'' <small>Heuff.</small> [[Reichenbach's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris sambucina]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris sambucina]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris scariosa]]'' <small>Willd. ex Link</small>
* ''[[Iris scariosa]]'' <small>Willd. ex Link</small>
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* ''[[Iris taochia]]'' <small>Woronow ex Grossh.</small>
* ''[[Iris taochia]]'' <small>Woronow ex Grossh.</small>
* ''[[Iris timofejewii]]'' <small>Woronow</small>
* ''[[Iris timofejewii]]'' <small>Woronow</small>
* ''[[Iris variegata]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Hungarian Iris]]
* ''[[Iris variegata]]'' <small>L.</small> [[Hungarian Iris]]
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* ''[[Iris atropurpurea]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris atropurpurea]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris barnumae]]'' <small>Bak. & Fost.</small>
* ''[[Iris barnumae]]'' <small>Bak. & Fost.</small>
* ''[[Iris bismarckiana]]'' <small>Reg.</small> &ndash; [[Nazareth Iris]]
* ''[[Iris bismarckiana]]'' <small>Reg.</small> [[Nazareth Iris]]
* ''[[Iris camillae]]'' <small>Grossh.</small>
* ''[[Iris camillae]]'' <small>Grossh.</small>
* ''[[Iris gatesii]]'' <small>Foster</small>
* ''[[Iris gatesii]]'' <small>Foster</small>
* ''[[Iris haynei]]'' <small>(Bak.) Mallet.</small> &ndash; [[Gilboa Iris]]
* ''[[Iris haynei]]'' <small>(Bak.) Mallet.</small> [[Gilboa Iris]]
* ''[[Iris hermona]]'' <small>Dinsmore</small> &ndash; [[Hermon Iris]]
* ''[[Iris hermona]]'' <small>Dinsmore</small> [[Hermon Iris]]
* ''[[Iris iberica]]'' <small>Hoffm.</small>
* ''[[Iris iberica]]'' <small>Hoffm.</small>
* ''[[Iris kirkwoodi]]'' (including ''I. calcarea''<!-- Dinsm. -->)
* ''[[Iris kirkwoodi]]'' (including ''I. calcarea''<!-- Dinsm. -->)
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* ''[[Iris sari]]'' <small>Schott ex Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris sari]]'' <small>Schott ex Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris sofarana]]'' <small>Fost.</small>
* ''[[Iris sofarana]]'' <small>Fost.</small>
* ''[[Iris susiana]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Mourning Iris]]
* ''[[Iris susiana]]'' <small>L.</small> [[Mourning Iris]]
'''Section ''Hexapogon'''''
'''Section ''Hexapogon'''''
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* ''[[Iris acoroides]]'' <small>Spach</small>
* ''[[Iris acoroides]]'' <small>Spach</small>
* ''[[Iris bracteata]]'' &ndash; [[Siskiyou Iris]]
* ''[[Iris bracteata]]'' [[Siskiyou Iris]]
* ''[[Iris brevicaulis]]'' <small>Raf.</small> &ndash; [[Zigzag Iris]]
* ''[[Iris brevicaulis]]'' <small>Raf.</small> [[Zigzag Iris]]
* ''[[Iris bulleyana]]'' <small>Dykes</small>
* ''[[Iris bulleyana]]'' <small>Dykes</small>
* ''[[Iris caespitosa]]'' <small>Pall. & Link</small>
* ''[[Iris caespitosa]]'' <small>Pall. & Link</small>
* ''[[Iris chrysographes]]'' &ndash; [[Black Iris]]
* ''[[Iris chrysographes]]'' [[Black Iris]]
* ''[[Iris chrysophylla]]'' &ndash; [[Yellow-leaved Iris]]
* ''[[Iris chrysophylla]]'' [[Yellow-leaved Iris]]
* ''[[Iris clarkei]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris clarkei]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris crocea]]'' <small>Jacquem. ex R.C.Foster</small> (including ''I. aurea''<!-- Lindl. -->)
* ''[[Iris crocea]]'' <small>Jacquem. ex R.C.Foster</small> (including ''I. aurea''<!-- Lindl. -->)
* ''[[Iris delavayi]]'' <small>Micheli</small>
* ''[[Iris delavayi]]'' <small>Micheli</small>
* ''[[Iris demetrii]]'' <small>Achv. & Mirzoeva</small>
* ''[[Iris demetrii]]'' <small>Achv. & Mirzoeva</small>
* ''[[Iris douglasiana]]'' &ndash; [[Douglas Iris]]
* ''[[Iris douglasiana]]'' [[Douglas Iris]]
* ''[[Iris ensata]]'' <small>Thunb.</small> &ndash; [[Japanese Iris]], ''[[Japanese iris#Hanashōbu|hanashōbu]]'' ([[Japanese (language)|Japanese]]) (including ''I. kaempferi'')
* ''[[Iris ensata]]'' <small>Thunb.</small> [[Japanese Iris]], ''[[Japanese iris#Hanashōbu|hanashōbu]]'' ([[Japanese (language)|Japanese]]) (including ''I. kaempferi'')
* ''[[Iris fernaldii]]'' &ndash; [[Fernald's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris fernaldii]]'' [[Fernald's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris foetidissima]]'' &ndash; [[Stinking Iris]], Gladwin Iris, Stinking Gladwin, Gladdon, Roast-beef Plant
* ''[[Iris foetidissima]]'' [[Stinking Iris]], Gladwin Iris, Stinking Gladwin, Gladdon, Roast-beef Plant
* ''[[Iris forrestii]]'' <small>Dykes</small>
* ''[[Iris forrestii]]'' <small>Dykes</small>
* ''[[Iris fulva]]'' <small>Ker-Gawl.</small> &ndash; [[Copper Iris]]
* ''[[Iris fulva]]'' <small>Ker-Gawl.</small> [[Copper Iris]]
* ''[[Iris giganticaerulea]]'' &ndash; [[Giant Blue Iris]], Giant Blue Flag
* ''[[Iris giganticaerulea]]'' [[Giant Blue Iris]], Giant Blue Flag
* ''[[Iris graminea]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris graminea]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Iris grant-duffii]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris grant-duffii]]'' <small>Bak.</small>
* ''[[Iris hartwegii]]'' &ndash; [[Hartweg's Iris]], Rainbow Iris, Sierra Iris
* ''[[Iris hartwegii]]'' [[Hartweg's Iris]], Rainbow Iris, Sierra Iris
* ''[[Iris hexagona]]'' <small>Walt.</small> &ndash; [[Dixie Iris]]
* ''[[Iris hexagona]]'' <small>Walt.</small> [[Dixie Iris]]
* ''[[Iris hookeri]]'' <small>Penny</small> &ndash; [[Hooker's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris hookeri]]'' <small>Penny</small> [[Hooker's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris innominata]]'' &ndash; [[Del Norte Iris]]
* ''[[Iris innominata]]'' [[Del Norte Iris]]
* ''[[Iris kerneriana]]'' <small>Asch. & Sint.</small>
* ''[[Iris kerneriana]]'' <small>Asch. & Sint.</small>
* ''[[Iris koreana]]'' <small>Nakai</small>
* ''[[Iris koreana]]'' <small>Nakai</small>
* ''[[Iris lactea]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris lactea]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris laevigata]]'' &ndash; [[Rabbitear Iris]], Shallow-flowered Iris, ''[[Japanese iris#Kakitsubata|kakitsubata]]'' (Japanese)
* ''[[Iris laevigata]]'' [[Rabbitear Iris]], Shallow-flowered Iris, ''[[Japanese iris#Kakitsubata|kakitsubata]]'' (Japanese)
* ''[[Iris lazica]]'' <small>Albov</small>
* ''[[Iris lazica]]'' <small>Albov</small>
* ''[[Iris loczyi]]'' <small>Kanitz</small>
* ''[[Iris loczyi]]'' <small>Kanitz</small>
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* ''[[Iris ludwigii]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
* ''[[Iris ludwigii]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
* ''[[Iris maackii]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
* ''[[Iris maackii]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
* ''[[Iris macrosiphon]]'' &ndash; [[Bowltube Iris]]
* ''[[Iris macrosiphon]]'' [[Bowltube Iris]]
* ''[[Iris missouriensis]]'' &ndash; [[Rocky Mountain Iris]], Western Blue Flag
* ''[[Iris missouriensis]]'' [[Rocky Mountain Iris]], Western Blue Flag
* ''[[Iris monnieri]]'' <small>DC.</small>
* ''[[Iris monnieri]]'' <small>DC.</small>
* ''[[Iris munzii]]'' &ndash; [[Munz's Iris]], Tulare Lavender Iris
* ''[[Iris munzii]]'' [[Munz's Iris]], Tulare Lavender Iris
* ''[[Iris nelsonii]]'' <small>Randolph</small> &ndash; [[Abbeville Iris]]
* ''[[Iris nelsonii]]'' <small>Randolph</small> [[Abbeville Iris]]
* ''[[Iris notha]]'' <small>M.Bieb.</small>
* ''[[Iris notha]]'' <small>M.Bieb.</small>
* ''[[Iris orientalis]]'' <small>Mill.</small> &ndash; [[Yellow-banded Iris]]
* ''[[Iris orientalis]]'' <small>Mill.</small> [[Yellow-banded Iris]]
* ''[[Iris pontica]]'' <small>Zapal.</small>
* ''[[Iris pontica]]'' <small>Zapal.</small>
* ''[[Iris prismatica]]'' <small>Pursh ex Ker-Gawl.</small> &ndash; [[Slender Blue Flag]]
* ''[[Iris prismatica]]'' <small>Pursh ex Ker-Gawl.</small> [[Slender Blue Flag]]
* ''[[Iris pseudacorus]]'' &ndash; [[Yellow Iris]], Yellow Flag
* ''[[Iris pseudacorus]]'' [[Yellow Iris]], Yellow Flag
* ''[[Iris purdyi]]'' &ndash; [[Purdy's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris purdyi]]'' [[Purdy's Iris]]
* ''[[Iris × robusta]]'' <small>E.Anders.</small> &ndash; [[Robust Iris]] (''I. versicolor × I. virginica'')
* ''[[Iris × robusta]]'' <small>E.Anders.</small> [[Robust Iris]] (''I. versicolor × I. virginica'')
* ''[[Iris ruthenica]]'' <small>Ker-Gawl.</small>
* ''[[Iris ruthenica]]'' <small>Ker-Gawl.</small>
* ''[[Iris × sancti-cyri]]'' <small>Rouss.</small> &ndash; [[Sanctimonious Iris]]{{Verify source|date=December 2008}}<!-- St. Cyr's Iris? "sancti-cyrii" is probably lapsus --> (''I. hookeri × I. versicolor'')
* ''[[Iris × sancti-cyri]]'' <small>Rouss.</small> [[Sanctimonious Iris]]{{Verify source|date=December 2008}}<!-- St. Cyr's Iris? "sancti-cyrii" is probably lapsus --> (''I. hookeri × I. versicolor'')
* ''[[Iris sanguinea]]'' <small>Hornem. ex Donn</small> &ndash; [[Blood Iris]], ''[[Japanese iris#Ayame|ayame]]'' (Japanese)
* ''[[Iris sanguinea]]'' <small>Hornem. ex Donn</small> [[Blood Iris]], ''[[Japanese iris#Ayame|ayame]]'' (Japanese)
* ''[[Iris setosa]]'' <small>Pallas ex Link</small> &ndash; [[Beachhead Iris]]
* ''[[Iris setosa]]'' <small>Pallas ex Link</small> [[Beachhead Iris]]
* ''[[Iris sibirica]]'' &ndash; [[Siberian Iris]]
* ''[[Iris sibirica]]'' [[Siberian Iris]]
* ''[[Iris sintenisii]]'' <small>Janka</small>
* ''[[Iris sintenisii]]'' <small>Janka</small>
** ''Iris sintenisii'' ssp. ''brandzae'' <small>Prodan</small>
** ''Iris sintenisii'' ssp. ''brandzae'' <small>Prodan</small>
* ''[[Iris songarica]]'' <small>Schrenk</small>
* ''[[Iris songarica]]'' <small>Schrenk</small>
* ''[[Iris spuria]]'' &ndash; [[Blue Iris]]
* ''[[Iris spuria]]'' [[Blue Iris]]
** ''Iris spuria'' ssp. ''maritima'' &ndash; Seashore Iris
** ''Iris spuria'' ssp. ''maritima'' Seashore Iris
* ''[[Iris tenax]]'' &ndash; [[Tough-leaved Iris]], Oregon Iris
* ''[[Iris tenax]]'' [[Tough-leaved Iris]], Oregon Iris
* ''[[Iris tenuifolia]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris tenuifolia]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris tenuissima]]'' <small>Dykes</small> &ndash; [[Long-tubed Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tenuissima]]'' <small>Dykes</small> [[Long-tubed Iris]]
* ''[[Iris thompsonii]]'' <small>R.C.Foster</small> &ndash; [[Thompson's Iris]] (formerly in ''I. innominata'')
* ''[[Iris thompsonii]]'' <small>R.C.Foster</small> [[Thompson's Iris]] (formerly in ''I. innominata'')
* ''[[Iris tridentata]]'' <small>Pursh</small> &ndash; [[Savanna Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tridentata]]'' <small>Pursh</small> [[Savanna Iris]]
* ''[[Iris unguicularis]]'' <small>Poir.</small> (including ''I. speciosa''<!-- Terracino -->, ''I. stylosa'')
* ''[[Iris unguicularis]]'' <small>Poir.</small> (including ''I. speciosa''<!-- Terracino -->, ''I. stylosa'')
* ''[[Iris uniflora]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris uniflora]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris ventricosa]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris ventricosa]]'' <small>Pall.</small>
* ''[[Iris verna]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Dwarf Violet Iris]]
* ''[[Iris verna]]'' <small>L.</small> [[Dwarf Violet Iris]]
* ''[[Iris versicolor]]'' &ndash; [[Larger Blue Flag]], Harlequin Blueflag
* ''[[Iris versicolor]]'' [[Larger Blue Flag]], Harlequin Blueflag
* ''[[Iris × vinicolor]]'' <small>Small</small> &ndash; [[Vinicolor Iris]], [[Wine-coloured Iris]] (''I. fulva × I. giganticaerulea'')
* ''[[Iris × vinicolor]]'' <small>Small</small> [[Vinicolor Iris]], [[Wine-coloured Iris]] (''I. fulva × I. giganticaerulea'')
* ''[[Iris virginica]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Virginia Iris]]
* ''[[Iris virginica]]'' <small>L.</small> [[Virginia Iris]]
* ''[[Iris wilsonii]]'' <small>C.H.Wright</small>
* ''[[Iris wilsonii]]'' <small>C.H.Wright</small>
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'''Section ''Lophiris'''''
'''Section ''Lophiris'''''
* ''[[Iris confusa]]'' &ndash; [[Bamboo Iris]]
* ''[[Iris confusa]]'' [[Bamboo Iris]]
* ''[[Iris cristata]]'' &ndash; [[Crested Iris]]
* ''[[Iris cristata]]'' [[Crested Iris]]
* ''[[Iris gracilipes]]'' <small>A.Gray</small>
* ''[[Iris gracilipes]]'' <small>A.Gray</small>
* ''[[Iris japonica]]'' <small>Thunb.</small>
* ''[[Iris japonica]]'' <small>Thunb.</small>
* ''[[Iris lacustris]]'' &ndash; [[Dwarf Lake Iris]]
* ''[[Iris lacustris]]'' [[Dwarf Lake Iris]]
* ''[[Iris milesii]]'' <small>Foster</small> [[File:Iris milesii I IMG 6615.jpg|thumb|''[[Iris milesii]]'' ]]
* ''[[Iris milesii]]'' <small>Foster</small> [[File:Iris milesii I IMG 6615.jpg|thumb|''[[Iris milesii]]'' ]]
* ''[[Iris tectorum]]'' <small>Maxim.</small> &ndash; [[Wall Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tectorum]]'' <small>Maxim.</small> [[Wall Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tenuis]]'' <small>S.Wats.</small> &ndash; [[Clackamas Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tenuis]]'' <small>S.Wats.</small> [[Clackamas Iris]]
* ''[[Iris wattii]]'' <small>Baker ex Hook.f.</small>
* ''[[Iris wattii]]'' <small>Baker ex Hook.f.</small>
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* ''[[Iris filifolia]]'' <small>Boiss.</small>
* ''[[Iris filifolia]]'' <small>Boiss.</small>
* ''[[Iris juncea]]'' <small>Poir.</small>
* ''[[Iris juncea]]'' <small>Poir.</small>
* ''[[Iris latifolia]]'' &ndash; [[English Iris]]
* ''[[Iris latifolia]]'' [[English Iris]]
* ''[[Iris serotina]]'' <small>Willk. in Willk. & Lange</small>
* ''[[Iris serotina]]'' <small>Willk. in Willk. & Lange</small>
* ''[[Iris tingitana]]'' <small>Boiss. & Reut.</small> &ndash; [[Morocco Iris]]
* ''[[Iris tingitana]]'' <small>Boiss. & Reut.</small> [[Morocco Iris]]
* ''[[Iris xiphium]]'' &ndash; [[Spanish Iris]], Dutch Iris, Small Bulbous-rooted Iris
* ''[[Iris xiphium]]'' [[Spanish Iris]], Dutch Iris, Small Bulbous-rooted Iris
===Subgenus ''[[Iris subg. Nepalensis|Nepalensis]]''===
===Subgenus ''[[Iris subg. Nepalensis|Nepalensis]]''===
