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Onobrychis (Greek, asses' food). Leguminosae. Among cultivated plants, this genus contributes the sainfoin, used for forage. The group yields little in the way of ornamentals.
Onobrychis (Greek, asses' food). Leguminosae. Among cultivated plants, this genus contributes the sainfoin, used for forage. The group yields little in the way of ornamentals.
Perennial, sometimes shrubby and spiny: lvs. odd- pinnate, with entire not stipellate Ifts.: fls. purplish, rose-colored or whitish, in axillary peduncled spikes or racemes; calyx-lobes subulate, for the most part nearly equal; corolla papilionaceous, the standard obovate or obcordate and narrowed toward the base; wings short; keel obtuse, equaling or exceeding the standard; stamens 9 and 1; ovary 1-2-ovuled: pod sessile, flat and hard, 1-seeded and indehiscent.—Species SO and more, Eu., N. Afr. and W. Asia. Closely related to Hedysarum, but differing in the 1-seeded or 1-jointed pod.
Perennial, sometimes shrubby and spiny: leaves odd- pinnate, with entire not stipellate leaflets: flowers purplish, rose-colored or whitish, in axillary peduncled spikes or racemes; calyx-lobes subulate, for the most part nearly equal; corolla papilionaceous, the standard obovate or obcordate and narrowed toward the base; wings short; keel obtuse, equaling or exceeding the standard; stamens 9 and 1; ovary 1-2-ovuled: pod sessile, flat and hard, 1-seeded and indehiscent.—Species 50 and more, Europe, N. Africa and W. Asia. Closely related to Hedysarum, but differing in the 1-seeded or 1-jointed pod.
