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Lacaena (one of the names of Helen, which Lindley states may be applied to this plant on account of its beauty; but he adds it may also be derived
from Lakis, a cleft, alluding to the divisions of the lip). Orchidaceae. A little-known group of epiphytic orchids inhabiting Central America and Mexico.
Pseudobulbs rather long, ovoid, smooth at first: lvs. large, elliptic-pointed and contracted into a petiole, plicate venose: raceme pendent from the base
of the pseudobulbs, loose, bearing up to 10 medium-sized fls.; sepals and petals nearly equal, elliptical, half-spreading; labellum equaling the petals,
articulated to the base of the column, clawed, with the lateral lobes incurved, terminal larger, spreading and narrowed at the base to a broad claw;
column rather long, winged, hooded at the top; pollinia 2 on a simple stipe.—Only 2 species. The plants should be grown in baskets or on blocks of wood like stanhopeas: if potted the racemes are likely to bury themselves in the soil. At the end of October, water should be almost entirely withheld for a few weeks. The flower-stalks appear in spring.
| name = ''LATINNAME''  <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''LATINNAME''  <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->