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Salvia sclarea, Linn. (S. bracteata, Sims, not Soland., in Russ. S. Simsiana, R. & S.). Clary. Biennial, 2-3 ft. high: st. herbaceous, stout, erect, villous: lvs. often 8-9 x 4-5 in., petiolate, broad-ovate, erose-crenate, base cordate, hoary, the uppermost clasping; floral lvs. very broad, acuminate, concave, membranaceous, colored, their base white, their tips rose: racemes paniculate; floral whorls distant, about 6-fld.; calyx campanulate, striate, pubescent-hispid, the teeth rather spiny-acuminate; corolla whitish blue, the tube included. Aug. S. Eu. B.M. 2320. B.R. 1003. G.C. III. 44:268. Gn. 64, p. 249. G.M. 57:173. Var. turkestanica, Hort. (S. turkestanica, Hort. S. turkestaniana, Hort.), grows 3 ft. high, has quadrangular sts. tinged with pink, basal lvs. on long petioles and long spikes, 2 1/2 ft. high, of large white fls., tinged with pink. There is a form offered in the trade under the name of S. turkestanica superba, Hort., which has "dense branched pyramids of silky foliage and conspicuous rosy bracts, and white fls." S. bracteata, Soland., in Russ., is a valid species belonging to Section 1. It is a subshrub about 1-1 1/2 ft. high, with purplish fls. and a native of Asia Minor and Syria. Probably not in cult.
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