
567 bytes added ,  10:31, 5 May 2009
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Salvia longistyla, Benth. (S. aristulata, Mart. & Gal.). Plants reaching a height of 14-15 ft.: sts. herbaceous(?), erect, tomentose-villous: lvs. petiolate, broad-ovate, 3-5 1/2 x 2-4 1/2 in., acuminate, crenate, the base broad-cordate, rugose, both surfaces soft pubescent-villous; floral lvs. ovate, long-acuminate, ciliate, deciduous: racemes 15-25 in. long; floral whorls 6-16-fld.; calyx elongate-tubular, base striate, soft-pubescent, the teeth long setaceous-acuminate; corolla red-pink, long-exserted, rather more than 1 in. long. Mex. B.M. 8590.
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen
