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Calliandra californica, Benth. A stiff, hairy .much-branched shrub cult. in Calif. It is native near Magdalena Bay and is the most northerly known representative of the genus.{{SCH}}
Calliandra californica, Benth. A stiff, hairy .much-branched shrub cult. in Calif. It is native near Magdalena Bay and is the most northerly known representative of the genus.—C. caracasana, Benth. (Mimosa caracasana, Jacq.) differs from C. portoricensis in having purple stamens, but is probably not distinct.—C. grandiflora, Benth. Not over 10 ft.: foliage glaucous: fls. scarlet. Intro, by Franceschi.= Mimosa grandiflora, L'Her.(?). C. Saman, Griseb., ="Pithecolobium Saman. Harvey Monroe Hall.